Rosary Mysteries Flashcards
Joyful Mystery #1
The Annunciation
For the Love of humility
Luke 1,28
Monday and Saturday
Joyful Mystery #2
The Visitation
For charity towards my neighbor
Luke 1,41-42
Monday and Saturday
Joyful Mystery #3
The birth of Jesus
For the Spirit of poverty
Luke 2,7
Monday and Saturday
Joyful Mystery #4
The Presentation
For the virtue of obedience
Luke 2,22-23
Monday and Saturday
Joyful Mystery #5
Finding Jesus in the Temple
For the virtue of piety
Luke 2,46
Monday and Saturday
Luminous Mystery #1
Baptism of Jesus
Submission to God’s Will
Matthew 3,16-17
Luminous Mystery #2
Wedding Feast of Cana
For devotion to Mary
John 2,1-5
Luminous Mystery #3
Proclamation of the Kingdom
For the grace of conversion
Mark 1,14-15
Luminous Mystery #4
The Transfiguration
For holy fear of God
Matthew 17,1-2
Luminous Mystery #5
Institution of the Eucharist
Thanksgiving to God
Luke 22,19-20
Sorrowful Mystery #1
The Agony in the Garden
For true contrition for sin
Luke 22,44-45
Tuesday and Friday
Sorrowful Mystery #2
Scourging at the Pillar
For the virtue of Purity
John 19,1
Tuesday and Friday
Sorrowful Mystery #3
Crowning with Thorns
For moral courage
Matthew 27,28-29
Tuesday and Friday
Sorrowful Mystery #4
Carrying of the Cross
For the virtue of patience
John 19,17
Tuesday and Friday
Sorrowful Mystery #5
The Crucifixion
For final perseverance
Luke 23,46
Tuesday and Friday
Glorious Mystery #1
The Resurrection
For the virtue of faith
Mark 16,6
Wednesday and Sunday
Glorious Mystery #2
The Ascension
For the Virtue of hope
Mark 16,19
Wednesday and Sunday
Glorious Mystery #3
Descent of the Holy Spirit
For the virtue of love
Acts 2,4
Wednesday and Sunday
Glorious Mystery #4
The Assumption
For a happy death
Rev. 12,1
Wednesday and Sunday
Glorious Mystery #5
The Coronation
For eternal salvation
Judith 15,9-10
Wednesday and Sunday