ROS Flashcards
What are the categories that need to be addressed in the ROS?
- General 2. Head 3. Eyes 4. Ears 5. Nose 6.Throat/Mouth 7. Neck 8. Chest 9.Breast 10. Cardiovascular 11. GI 12. Urinary 13/14 Male/Female Genitalia 15. Endocrine 16. Neurologic 17. Behavioral 18. Musculoskeletal 19. Skin
General? (6)
Have you been having any other general health problems? Ok, so no: 1. Fatigue 2. Weight loss 3. Fever 4. Chills/rigors 5. Night Sweats 6. Weakness
Head? (5)
Have you been having any head problems?
Ok, so no:
1. Head Injury 2. Head pains 3.Headaches 4.Dizziness 5. Fainting
Eyes? (12)
- Use of eyeglasses
- Last eye exam
Have you been having any eye or vision problems? So, no: - Change in vision 4. Blurry vision 5.Double vision 6. Eye pain 7. Eye Injuries 8. Excessive tearing 9. Redness 10. Glaucoma 11.Drainage from eyes 12. History of cataracts
Ears? (6)
Have you been having any ear or hearing problems? Ok, so no:
1. hearing loss 2. use of hearing aid 3.Discharge 4. Ringing in ears 5.Ear Pain 6.Ear infections
Nose? (5)
Have you been having any problems with your nose? Ok, so no:
1. Nosebleeds 2. Discharge 3. Sinus Infections 4. Frequent colds 5. Hay fever
Mouth & Throat? (6)
1.When was you last dental appointment? Have you been having any mouth, throat or voice problems? Ok, so no: 2. Bleeding gums 3. Sore throat 4. Hoarseness 5. Voice change 6. Difficulty or pain w/ swallowing
Neck? (5)
Have you been having any neck problems? Ok, so no: 1. Lumps 2. Swelling (goiters) 3. Swollen glands 4. Tenderness 5. Neck Pain 6. Stiffness
Chest/Lungs? (8)
Have you been having any lung or breathing problems? Ok, so no:
1. Cough 2. Coughing up blood 3. Sputum production (mucus up towards throat) 4. Wheezing 5.Exposure to TB 6. Excessive snoring 7.Daytime drowsiness 8. Ever been told by anyone that you stop breathing for brief periods during sleep
Breast? (4)
Have you noticed anything abnormal w/ your breasts? Ok, so no:
1. Lumps 2. Tenderness 3. Pain 4. Discharge
Cardiovascular? (6)
Have you been having any heart problems? Ok, so no:
1. Chest pain 2. Palpitations (abnormal heart beat) 3. Shortness of breath (w/ exertion? at rest?) 4. Having to prop yourself up to breath at night 5. Waking up smothering or short of breath 6. History of heart murmur
Gastrointestinal? (12)
Have you been having any stomach or bowel movement problems? Ok, so no:
1. Change in appetite 2. Heartburn 3.Abdominal pain 4. Hernia 5.Nausea/vomiting 6.Diarrhea 7. Constipation 8. Hernia 9.Change in the appearance of you stools 10.Black or tarry stools 11. Blood in your stools 12.Change in your bowel habits 13.Hemorrhoids
Urinary? (8)
Have you been having any problems urinating? Ok, so no:
1. Pain w/ urination 2. Change in frequency of urination 3. Trouble holding your urine 4. Urinating much at night 5. Difficulty starting stream 6. Blood in your urine (hematuria) 7. Flank/side pains 8. UTI
Female Genitalia? (8)
Have you been having genital problems or pains? Ok, so no:
- Genital lumps, bumps, sores, or blisters
- Itching 3. Discharge 4. Pain w/ intercourse
- Change in interval b/t periods 6. Change in menstrual flow 6. Bleeding b/t periods
- Menopausal symptoms
- Postmenopausal bleeding
Male genitalia
Have you been having any genital or sexual dysfunction? Ok, so no:
- Lumps, bumps, sores, or blisters
- Discharge
- Difficulty w/ erection
- Pain 5. Scrotal masses 6. Hernias
- Still able to enjoy sexual relations
- Prostate problems 9. STI
Endocrine? (4)
Have you had any:
- Increased thirst
- Increased appetite
- Heat or cold intolerance
- Hair or nail changes
Neurologic? (8)
Have you had any:
- Generalized weakness
- Tingling/Burning in feet or hands
- Numbness
- Loss of memory
- Lack of balance
- Dizziness 7. Passing out
- . Seizures/convulsions
- Tremors
Behavioral? (9)
Have you noticed in changes in your behavior or habits? Ok, so no:
- Trouble sleeping 2.Mood changes
- Loss of interest or pleasure in doing things
- Difficulty concentrating
- Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless
- Problems w/ nerves or feeling anxious, irritable or on edge
- Increased worrying about things
- Any anxiety or panic attacks
- Hallucinations
Muscle/Skeletal? (8)
Have you been having any muscle or bone problems? Ok, so no:
- Weakness 2. Paralysis
- Muscle Stiffness
- Limitations in mvmt
- Joint pain 6. Joint stiffness
- Joint deformity
- Back problems or pain
Skin? (8)
Have you had any skin problems or changes? Ok, so no:
- Rashes 2. Hives 3. Itching 4.Dryness
- Exzema 6. Bruising 7. Changes in skin color 8. New spots or spots that have changes