What species of vines are used as parentage for rootstocks?
V. Vinifera, V. Rupestris, V. Riparia, V. berlandieri, V. Champini
Rootstock of V. Riparia parentage?
Riparia Gloire de Montpellier
Rootstock of Vitis Rupestris?
Rupestris du Lot
Discuss nitty gritty of Riparia Gloira de Montpillier (VSLDPN)
low vigour, prefers humid, cool, fertile soils. Low lime tolerance and a low resistance to drought. High resistance to Phylloxera, Medium (+) resistance to nematodes.
What is the overall description for Riparia Gloire Montpillier
Suitable for production of quality wines, sensitivity to compact soils. Prefers moist soils (rainy, large production areas. i.e. Otago)
Discuss nitty gritty of Rupestris du Lot (VSLDPN)
(need a LOT or land). Extremely vigorous. Deep, poor, healthy soils prefered. Low tolerance to lime, medium resistance to drought. High tolerance to phyll., Medium (+) resistance to nematodes.
What is the overal description for Rupestris du Lot
High vigour. Mediterranian rootstock. Sensitive to shatter berries and compact soils.
What rootstock is of Vinifera x rupestris parentage ?
Discuss nitty gritty of AXR1
High Vigor. Versatile when it comes to preferred soil. High tolerance to lime. Medium resistance to drought, low tolerance to phylloxera, medium (-) resistance to nematodes
What is the overall description for AXR1?
Easy to graft. Yields high quality fruit with good yields, but limited tolerance to phylloxera. Widely used in California (Tommy!!!)
V. S. L. D. P. N.
V.igor S.oil preference L.ime tolerance D.rought tolerance P.hylloxera tolerance N.ematode tolerance
Benefits of Vinifera x rupestris rootstock (ARX1)
Offers some lime tolerance from vinifera, but shows inadequate tolerance to phylloxera.
Benefits of Riparia x rupestris rootstock (3309 C, 101-14, Schwarzman)
Halfway between surface and deep rooting. Average vigour, grafts well, good affinity with scions. Good resistance to phylloxera, but poor to chlorosis (not enough iron)
Rootstocks of Riparia x rupestris parentage
101-14, 3309 C (Couderc), Schwarzman
VSLDPN for 3309 C (Couderc)
+++, cool fertile, permeable. low, +, ++++, ++++