Root Canal Procedure Flashcards


What is Root Canal Procedure?


The root canal in your tooth is the natural chamber in the center of your tooth for the pulp, nerve and blood supply. After your tooth has erupted from the gum as a child, the nerve itself is not essential for the health of your tooth. But it remains to warn you of cavities and infections.

If the nerve or pulp becomes damaged or diseased, a root canal infection or an abscess can develop in or around the tooth. If bacteria multiply inside the pulp chamber, an abscess or pus-filled pocket forms in or around the pulp chamber or at the end of the root. Your dentist often recommends removal of the pulp and nerves for root canal treatment because the infection can spread to the rest of your body.

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Symptoms and Causes of Root Canal Infection


Tooth infections produce throbbing pain. Other symptoms include:

Swelling of your face, neck or head
Bone loss around the root of the tooth
Drainage problems extending outward from the root of the tooth, allowing the infection to drain into your gums or skin
Damage to the tooth’s nerve or pulp occurs for several different reasons. Deep decay or large fillings to correct previous decay weakens the surrounding tooth. Repeated dental procedures on a single tooth also compromise the tooth’s structure. Any trauma, chip or crack in a tooth provides the circumstances for tooth damage and infection.

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Procedure for Root Canal Treatment


Your root canal dentist can repair many root canal infections if caught early. If the root canal specialist determines your infection is more advanced, he prepares you for the procedure. Root canal treatment includes the following:

Your Bronx NYC dentist takes X-rays to see the extent of the damage inside your tooth and determines if the surrounding bone or tissue is infected.
You’re given local anesthesia to numb the area near the tooth.
To keep the area and tooth dry and free of saliva, a rubber dam — a small sheet of rubber — is placed around the tooth.
Your dentist (open on Saturday) drills an access hole into the tooth to reach the pulp chamber.
He removes the pulp, bacteria, decayed nerve tissue and related debris, carefully scraping the inner cavity clean.
After the tooth is cleaned, it’s disinfected and sealed with a special sealant to protect the bone where the root originally was located.
If the infection is severe, your dentist may wait to seal the root. Instead, he inserts antibiotic medicine inside the tooth. You have to return for a second visit to remove the medicine and seal the tooth. A temporary filling is placed in the tooth until you return.
After sealing the root, your dentist fills the access hole he drilled in your tooth.
Because a root canal procedure involves a large amount of decay, your dentist often places a crown over the tooth to protect it and prevent it from breaking. This helps to restore full function.
How long does a root canal take? It depends on the severity of the infection and whether you need to return for a second visit. Expect to be in the chair for about an hour. You may experience some pain after root canal procedures, but it’s usually no more uncomfortable than getting a filling. Your tooth may be sensitive for a few days, but you can control it with over-the-counter pain relievers.

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Concerns and Costs


Root canal treatment has a 95% success rate. A crown or filling covers any sign of the procedure and you return to your regular routine. The only aftercare is your normal oral hygiene habits. As with any dental procedure, there’s a minor risk of adverse reactions. The infection could return if:

The tooth had more than one root canal and not all were cleaned of infection
An undetected crack in the tooth develops
Defective or inadequate dental restoration occurs
The sealant at the root breaks down over time
Root canal recovery is usually quick — most people return to normal activity the next day. Costs depend on the severity of decay and the type of crown you choose. The only alternative to root canal treatment is tooth extraction and replacement with a bridge or implant. The high success rate of the root canal procedure makes it a good option for saving your natural teeth.

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