Romeo&Juliet Flashcards
Familial love- “It is an honour that i dream not of.” (J)
- Very dutiful (honour) always does what her parents want
- Youth emphasises the tragedy but also makes audience feel sorrow for her because she was not able to spend her life with her true love.
- Romeo’s honour when he had to kill Mercutio, they both find honour important
Familial love and Nurse- “if you should deal double with her, truly it were an ill .”
= if u mis treat her i will punish you
1. Nurse shows parental side for her charge.
2. Emphasises the coldness of her mother
3. This then emphasises how isolated Juliet is, because she doesn’t have the closeness with her actual family
4. It shows how similar R&J’s situation is as they both aren’t close to their family
Fam -“ No, truly, sir; not a penny” nurse)
- Wont take money shows that the relationship with her and J is more familial then servitude
Spiritual+ romantics love - “this holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims” (R)
- He’s unworthy of her, true love caused him to be altruistic.
- Closeness
- Religious imagery- shows they share a unison of two perfect souls. FORESHADOWS that after death they will be heaven/ never ending love
- They met so Romeo could be cured from courtly love
- Negative- Romeo is worshipping Juliet rather it should be God, could foreshadow the tragic end
- “Kiss” sexual desire but their is also true love(placement). Maturity
- “Kiss” R+J’s quatrain end in “kiss” both want the desire
Spiritual love -“ call me but love, and I’ll be new baptiz’d” (R)
- Spiritual element of their love
- He’s reborn/ new life
- Purity, innocence
- religious imagery- their love will last even after death in heaven
- Baptised in his love for her
Fate + free will
“A plague a both your house” (m)
- Curses families- reason why everything goes wrong
- Most loving character does - audience is shook
- Only serious thing he says in the whole play
Light and death- “candle- holder” (r)
- Knowledge-J
- Sees J as light and purity
- Enlightenment when he sees J
Light and death- “O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!” (R)
- Light in his dark life
- Beauty/ purity
- Light will never go as love never ends
- Light= truth of their love
- “Teach” maturity, intellect
Romantic love- “it is my lady: O, it is my love!
O that she knew she were!
She speaks, yet she says nothing. What of that?
Her eye discourses; i will answer it.” (R)
- Her eyes say so much
- He understands her even when she doesn’t talk= true love
- “My” proud that she is his
- “O” emphasises desire :. Love is complete and absolute
Sexual love- “prick love for pricking, and you beat love down. Give me a case to put my visage in” (m)
- Deliberately bawdy emphasises their youth/ purity
- Shows Mercutio is the fun, lively character causes the audience to be shocked when he dies
- No on understands true love except for J and R. Causing it to be more tragic when they die
Sexual love -“ Oh that i were a glove upon that hand,
That i might touch that cheek!”
- Wants to touch her, but is mature about it unlike Mercutio who deals with sexual desires in a bawdy way
- Contrast from Mercutios speech, Romeo is different from a regular teenage lover.
- True love has made him mature
Life, death violence -“what noise is this? Give me my long sword, ho!” (Capulet)
- Heavily steeped in conflict
- Violence goes for all statuses
- This is symbolic because it shows how corrupt they’re become (ancient grudge)
Courtly love- “O, she is rich in beauty; only poor
That, when she dies, with beauty dies her store.”
- Classic trop - girl will die chaste
- Romeo’s upset that Rosaline is a virgin
- Kids will be good looking
- Narcissistic, cares about looks
Courtly- “he that is strucken blind cannot forget” (R)
- Almost like a severe punishment that he can’t be with Ros -> Petrachan hyperbole
- Ros becomes more pretty when he looks at others, shallow and empty - all he sees are her looks
Romantic love -“It is my lady, O it is my love… She speaks, yet she says nothing… Her eye discourses; i will answer it.”
- O= emphasises desire
- eyes have so much to say
- he can understand her without her even saying anything= true love
Fate and free will -“O, swear not by the moon, th’ inconstant moon, That monthly changes in her circle orb” ju
- love could be inconstant foreshadows doom
* she’s maturing
Life,death and violence -“The earth that’s nature’s mother is her tomb; What is her burying grave, that is her womb” friar
- juxtaposition he emphasises life is fragile
- young this foreshadows their death
- hve to die for everything to get better
Friar “Heaven and yourself Had part in this fair maid; now haven hath all”
- Fr’s words are prepared suggests a man in control
* Heavy use of religious language shows him manipulating everyone through word of God. Contrasts his character
Lady Capulet “I would the fool be married to her grave!”
- lack of sympathy for her daughter
- J has no power to say no. Context
- mother can’t understand what daughter is going through
Lady Capulet “For blood of ours shed blood of Montague”
- revenge
* ancient grudge causes everyone, not just men, to argue
Capulet “How now, wife have you delivered to her our decree?”
- he’s the pater familias- ruler of household
- Royal proclamation
- lack of choice (contrast to Act 1 Scene 2 where he makes it seem like she has a choice) & extremely formal