Romeo And Juliet Vocab Flashcards
Anything, nothing
Aught (n)
Soon, shortly, presently
Anon (adv)
Begone, go away, be off
Avaunt (int)
Ay (int)
Always, ever, for eternity
Aye (adv)
Face, expression
Countenance (n)
Stand, stomach, withstand
Countenance (v)
Cozen (v)
Gladly, willingly
Fain (adv)
In truth, certainly, truly, indeed
Forsooth (adv)
(To go) away, away from here
Hence (adv)
Hasten, hurry, speed
Hie (v)
(To come) this way, towards us
Hither (adv)
Scoundrel, rascal, rogue
Knave (n)
Head, skull
Pate (n)
Perhaps, maybe, very likely
Peradventure (adv)
Perhaps, maybe
Perchance (adv)
Forcibly, by force, violently
Perforce (adv)
Of necessity, with no choice in the matter
Perforce (adv)
(To go away) from that place, from there
Thence (adv)
(To go) to that place, there, that direction (away from here)
Thither (adv)
2nd person familiar forms of you, in nominative, objective and possessive cases
Thou, thee, thy (pron)
Face, countenance
Visage (n)
Carefree/ unrestrained, incorrigible/ immoral, lewd
Wanton (adj)
From where, from there
Whence (adv)
Be accustomed, used to, be in the habit of
Wont (v)