Romeo and Juliet Quotes Flashcards
N wants what’s best for J - shows N cares about J and wants her to be happy. Therefore N tries to be optimistic
I think you are happy in this second match, for it excels your first
Tybalt has seen R gate-crash Capulet party, first instinct is to want him dead - this intrusion makes T challenge R to a duel
To strike him dead I hold it not a sin
FL is a mentor to Romeo. R loves very vividly - FL is saying if a young man sees someone pretty, he’s in love
Young men’s love lies not truly in their heart but in their eyes
J is agreeing to consider Paris, if she is impressed with what she sees, she will allow herself to like him. But she won’t completely open her heart to him more than what her parents have given consent to. J uses analogy of her love as a bird. Birds have freedom to fly where they wish. J is being pushed towards Paris - she clearly sees she lacks consent from her parents to let her heart fly where it wants to in the search of love
But no more deep will I endart mine eye, than your consent gives strength to make it fly
After T and M are dead, fortune is being cruel to R. Fortune or fate has made a fool of him/mistreated him, R is telling audience he believes that he lacks free will and everything (bad, good) occurs because of fortune, fate, destiny, luck
O! I am fortunes fool!
Throughout the play R compares J to light. Representing her beauty
Juliet is the sun
J expresses modern idea that your name doesn’t define you. It doesn’t matter if she’s a Montague or Capulet, she’s still the same person. Showing J being modern and rebellious. Which in Elizabethan England was unheard of from women
What’s in a name? That we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet
His dying words. He’s foreshadowing the great loss of both houses, Montagues and Capulets
A plague o’ both your houses
Suggests violence and anger. J is rebelling so he is mad. He wants to smacc her. Hitting your child was kinda normal in Elizabethan England. Audience is worried for J
My fingers itch
In Elizabethan England ppl thought the stars controlled your fate. When stars cross they are out of line meaning you are doomed. Something bad will inevitably happen (R&J death)
A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life
Saying R&J sudden love will end just as suddenly. Foreshadowing the feud & their deaths
These violent delights have violent ends