Romeo and Juliet Act 1, Scene 1 Flashcards
Describe how the Prince feels about the feud. Find a word or a phrase to justify your answer.
The Prince is furious. He sees the feud as pointless. It disturbs the peace of Verona and the fighting is unnecessary - bred of an airy word
Why is it significant (later in the play) that whoever starts the next argument will be condemned to death?
This makes the Prince’s words very significant. Later in the play, Romeo is involved in the fight in which Tybalt and Mercutio die. However, as Romeo did not start the fight, he is not put to death. Rather his sentence is commuted to banishment.
What is the significance of Romeo walking under the sycamore tree?
The sycamore tree is associated with lovesickness.
Romeo is the picture of the courtly lover. What does this mean?
Romeo follows the picture of the courtly lover in the Elizabethan tradition. He is melancholic, isolates himself, cannot sleep, doesn’t eat or drink, and suffers because of his unanswered love.
Do Montague and his wife understand the cause of Romeo’s depression? To what theme does this point?
No. They send Benvolio to investigate. It points to the theme of the generation gap.
What is the relationship between Romeo and Benvolio?
They are cousins and friends.
Romeo describes his love as a brawling love and a loving hate. Give reasons.
Rosaline is actually a Capulet. The oxymorons stress that Romeo is in love when he shouldn’t be (loving hate). Also, the Montagues fight the Capulets (brawling love).
Do you believe Romeo has a realistic picture of love? (Examine lines 176-180)
No. His view seems very idealistic. He seems more in love with being in love, than with Rosaline herself.
Why is Romeo’s love unrequited?
Rosaline intends to join a convent and will not give herself to any man.
What is Bevolio’s advice to Romeo?
Benvolio suggests that Romeo tries to find someone else to admire because then he will quickly forget Rosaline.
For question 11-13, refer to lines 1-32:
To which household do Sampson and Gregory belong?
They belong to the Capulet Household.
What does the word “choler” mean in line 3?
It means anger.
Why would Sampson and Gregory be ready to fight a Montague?
The ancient quarrel between the Capulet and Montague households caused constant fights, which could occur at any time.
For question 14-15, refer to lines 58-65:
Why does Benvolio want to stop the fight?
Benvolio knows that there is no good reason for the quarrel between the Capulets and the Montagues and he does not want anyone to die. If Sampson and Abraham fight, it will not be long before all the men of the two families are fighting.
What does the name ‘Benvolio’ mean?
It means peace-loving.
For questions 16-20, refer to lines 66-72:
What does Tybalt mean by “heartless”?
What does Benvolio ask Tybalt to do?
Benvolio asks Tybalt either to put his sword back in its sheath and so stop fighter, or to use his sword to help him stop Sampson and Abraham from fighting.
What do we learn about Tybalt’s character?
He is proud and quarrelsome. He has a quick temper. He hates the Montagues.
With whom is Tybalt contrasted in the play?
Benvolio (and Romeo, particularly when he becomes peace-loving after marrying Juliet.)
Do you think Tybalt is right to call Benvolio a coward?
Not at all. Benvolio, in fact, shows more courage and intelligence than Tybalt does.
For questions 21-25, refer to lines 73-80:
Why do the citizens dislike both the Caoulets and the Montagues?
The two houses cause constant disturbance and violence in Verona.
What does Lord Capulet feel about the fighting that is going on?
He wants to join the fighting to try to gain his revenge on Montague.
What does Montague feel?
Montague hates Capulet and is also eager to join the fight against his old enemy.
What will be contrasted with all this fighting and violence?
The love between Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet.
What does Lady Montague feel about the fighting?
Lady Montague does not want her husband to join in the fighting and go looking for trouble.
For question 26-32, refer to lines 81-103:
What are the “purple fountains” (l.85) that the Prince talks about?
The blood that flows from the wounds caused by swords.
What would you say is the tone of the Prince’s speech?
The Prince’s tone is angry, but also sad.
How many fights between the Montagues and the Capulets have there been in the streets of Verona recently?
Three fights.
Who are the “ancient citizens” (l.92) to whom the Prince refers?
The Prince refers to old Caplet and Montague.
Whose lives will, in fact, “pay the forfeit of the peace” (L.97)?
The lives of Mercutio, Tybalt, Paris, Romeo, Juliet and Lady Montague will all die.
Why does the Prince tell old Montague and Capulet to come to his Palace?
The Prince wants them to hear his instructions for the keeping of the peace and the punishment if his commands are not obeyed.
What will be the penalty for disobeying the Prince?
Death will be the penalty.
For questions 33-36, refer to lines 104-115:
What relation is Benvolio to old Montague?
Benvolio is Montague’s nephew.
Who is Benvolio talkig about when he refers to Montague’s “adversary” (l.106)?
Benvolio is talking about Capulet.
Why did Benvolio draw his own sword?
He wanted to try to stop the servants of Montague and Capulet from fighting.
What does Benvolio mean when he calls Tybalt “fiery” (l.109)?
Tybalt has a passionate nature and is very quick-tempered ad quarrelsome.
For questions 37-43, refer to lines 116-155:
Why is Lady Montague glad?
She is glad that Romeo was not involved in the fight with the Capulets.
Why was Benvolio walking outdoors so early in the morning?
He was worried about something and wanted to be alone.
What did Romeo did when he saw Benvolio?
Romeo hid himself in the forest.
What did Benvolio think was the reason for Romeo’s behaviour?
Benvolio thought that, like himself, Romeo was sad and worried and did not want the company of anyone else.
Montague fears that Romeo’s behaviour is a sign that something disastrous will happen in the future (“Black and portentous must his humour prove”). In what way will his fears come true?
Although at this stage Romeo is not in love with Juliet, but with Rosaline, it will be because of love that he will die.
What is the reason for Romeo’s behaviour?
He is love-sick for Rosaline.
What is the significance of Montague’s words about Romeo: “Is to himself - I will not say how true”(l.148)
Romeo is more in love with the idea of being in love that really being in love. The words also suggest that Romeo doesn’t usually behave this way. Romeo learns to be true to the best part of his nature during the play.
For questions 44-47, refer to lines 156-200:
What question will Bevolio ask Romeo?
He will asks Romeo what is making him so sad.
What reason does Romeo give for being so sad?
Rosaline doesn’t love him.
What “fray”(l.173) is Romeo talking about?
The fray is the fight in the streets that has taken place between the servants of Montague and Capulet.
What will be the opposite of the hate between the Montagues and the Capulets?
The love between Romeo and Juliet is the opposite of the hate caused by the feud.
For questions 48-51, refer to lines 201-241:
What do you think is the main difference between Romeo’s relationship with Rosaline and his love for Juliet?
Romeo’s feelings for Rosaline are very superficial. His feelings for Juliet are based on a deep and genuine love.
What advice does Benvolio give?
Romeo should look at other beautiful girls.
What does Romeo say he will feel if he looks at other beautiful girls?
It will only make him realise that Rosaline is far more beautiful than any other girl.
Romeo says that Bevolio cannot make him forget Rosaline. What will make him forget her?
Romeo’s genuine love for Juliet will make him forget Rosaline.