Romans Part 2 - Test Classes 5-7 Flashcards
Spirit = the part of us that was made ……. when we receive Christ into our lives.
Soul =
Mind will and emotions
The soul is the part that must be ……….
Body = the house we ….. in
Renewing =
Revamp renovate reconstruct or restore
How do we renew our mind ….. the right books.
How do we renew our mind ….. the right words
How do we renew our mind ….. on the right things
Meditate = to think …..until it creates a lasting ………., to imagine, to mutter and talk about
Thoughts, emotions
Higher powers =
Those in authority
Minister = servant, one who …….. the …….. of another
Execute, command
Evil =
Person who injures another
Sword =
Judicial punishment
Vain =
Without cause
Revenger =
Carry out due wrath