Romans outline Flashcards
Romans 1
all humanity is trapped in sin and needs a savior
Romans 2
you cant be rescued from sin by following the law of moses. And Jews are more guilty cuz they have the special revelation of God
Romans 3
God’s has rescued the world through Jesus and people who believe in what he did are justified through their faith in Christ.
Romans 4
as Abraham was saved thourgh faith, we are also saved by faith and are part of his family.
romans 5
Justification creates a new humanity, and God contrasts the old adam with the new adam
Romans 6
we are leaving old humanity and entering new humanity, Christ has liberated us to do what leads to holiness and eternal life
Romans 7
the law shows us our guilt and need for god
Romans 8
solution is Jesus and the Spirit. Jesus has paid for our sin and released his Spirit into his family so we can love God and love neighbor
Romans 9
Paul is frustrated that most Jews are not following Christ. Paul shows that God chooses a remnant, and that is not on an ethnic basis.
Romans 10
The Israelis reject Jesus because they are basing their covenant relations on laws but Paul says they don’t recognize what has been happening through Jesus.
Romans 11
Israel in the future: God is at work in building his olive tree and ingrafting gentiles and cutting off unbelieving Jews. God wont give up on his people.
Romans 12-13
unifying jews and gentiles through love and forgiveness
romans 14-15
healing ethnic division by using love to show grace to each other on nonessential issues
romans 16
honor phoebe and greet people