Romano-ICS Unit 6 Flashcards
The National Incident Management System (NIMS) includes the following principles related to
resource management: (10)
- Planning
- Use of Agreements
- Categorizing Resources
- Resource Identification and Ordering
- Effective Management of Resources
- Safety
- Personnel Accountability
- Managerial Control
- Adequate Reserves
- Cost
An objective evaluation of a persons qualifications to meet nationally accepted minimum standards
To ensure that responders get the right personnel and equipment ICS resources are categorized by?
Kinds of Resources
Types of Resources
The Operational Planning Worksheet (ICS Form 215) identifies the resources need to achieve the incident ________ and ________.
objectives and tactics
The _____ approves all resource orders
Who is authorized to place orders? (3)
- IC
- Logistics Section Chief
- Supply Unit Leader
Who develops incident objectives and approves resource orders and demobilization?
Who identifies, assigns, and supervises the resources needed to accomplish the incident objectives?
Who tracks resources and identifies resource shortages?
Who orders resources (what section)?
Who procures and pays for the resources and reports cost?
In Single Point Ordering the burden of finding the requested resource is placed on the responsible ordering point and not on the incident _________.
ICS Form ____ is used to document the check in process.
Once checked in, what are the 3 areas you can be assigned to?
- Directly to a supervisor
- Staging area
- Base or camp
As responders arrive, they must be separated from spectators, self dispatched personnel, and victims by securing a _______ around the incident.
The Planning Section is responsible for tracking all resources assigned to the incident and their ____.
status (assigned, available, out of service)
The Operations Section is responsible for tracking the _______ of resources within the Operations Section itself.
The Finance/Admin Section is responsible for ensuring the ___________ of resources.
A change in a resource status may be made by the IC, Operation Section Chief, Branch Director, or Division/Group Supervisor and must be communicated to the ________ Unit or other appropriate element if the change last more than a few minutes.
Resources should be evaluated on an ongoing basis, at _________, and during the after action reporting.
Demobilization planning should begin when?
Almost immediately