Romanesque Flashcards
Reliquary statue of Sainte Foy
Enthroned image of Sainte Foy containing the skull of Saint Faith. The head is made up of an ancient Roman helmet, the cameos are donations from the Pilgrims.
A timber-roofed church with three-story naves and alternating support system of piers and columns. There is an ambulatory around the choir and three semicircular radiating chapels opening onto it for the display of relics.
Setting for the display of holy relics. A major stop on the road to Santiago de Compostela. Pilgrimage churches have longer and wider naves and aisles, as well as transepts and ambulatories with radiating chapels for viewing relics. Has stone-compound piers and barrel vaults in the nave and groin vaults in the tribune galleries which helped prevent fires.
Bernardus Gelduinus Christ in Majesty
One of the earliest series of large stone reliefs decorating the church of Saint-Sernin. The models were probably metal or ivory Carolingian and Ottonian book covers.
Stone-carving began with historiated capitals. The most extensively preserved example is in the Moissac cloister of Saint-Pierre.
Gislebertus, Christ, detail of Last Judgement of Saint-Lazare
Dramatic visions of the Last Judgement. Designed to terrify those guilty of sin and beckon them into the church.
Pentecost and Mission of the Apostles, tympanum of the center portal of La Madeleine
Most closely associated with the Crusades. Light rays are emanating from Christ’s hands to instill the Holy Spirit in the apostles, whose mission is to convert the world’s heathens.
Initial L and Saint Matthew from the Codex Colbertinus
Probably produced in the Moissac scriptorium.
Initial R with knight from the Moralia in Job
Ornamented initials are Hiberno-Saxon era but this illuminator translated the theme into Romanesque terms. The duel between the knight and dragons symbolize a monk’s spiritual struggle.
A hall church with aisles approximately the same height as the nave. The tall aisle windows provide ample illumination for the Old Testament paintings on the nave barrels vault.
Christ in Majesty apse in Santa Maria de Mur
Christ appears in a mandorla between the four evangelists signs. The fresco resembles French and Spanish Romanesque tympanum reliefs.
Morgan Madonna
Painted wood statue depicting the Virgin as the “throne of wisdom.”
Speyer Cathedral
Largest Romanesque church in the world. Its east end features twin 234 foot spires, blind windows and arches, and open arcuated galleries in the apse and transept wings. Earliest examples of the use of groin vaulting in a nave. This made possible for large clerestory windows above the nave arcade.
Reveals the architectural ties between Lombardy and Germany. Each groin-vaulted nave bay corresponds to two aisle bays. The alternate-support system complements this modular plan. It has an atrium and low, broad proportions but it also has two prominent bell towers flanking the narthex. There is also an octagonal tower over the nave’s east end.
Hildegard reveals her visions
Hildegard of Bingen, the most prominent nun of her time, experienced divine visions shown here as five tongues of fire enter her brain. She also composed music and wrote scientific treatises.