Roman vocab Flashcards
A medium made from clay fired over a low heat and sometimes left unglazed. Also: the orange-brown color typical of this medium.
The Classical convention of representing standing human figures with opposing alternations of tension and relaxation on each side of a central axis.
An aristocrat or nobleman.
A member of the lower social class.
A Roman town center; site of temples and administrative buildings and used as a market or public gathering area.
The toga, a distinctive garment of Ancient Rome, was a cloth of perhaps 20 ft (6 m) in length which was wrapped around the body and was generally worn over a tunic.
A sculpture from the neck up.
Barrel Vault
A barrel vault, also known as a tunnel vault or a wagon vault, is an architectural element formed by the extrusion of a single curve.
Groin Vault
A groin vault or groined vault (also sometimes known as a double barrel vault or cross vault) is produced by the intersection at right angles of two barrel vaults. The word “groin” refers to the edge between the intersecting vaults.
A masonry support made up of many stones, or rubble and concrete often square or rectangular in plan and capable of carrying very heavy architectural loads
The topmost voussoir at the center of an arch, and the last block to be placed. The pressure of this block holds the arch together.
A trough to carry flowing water supported, if necessary, by arches.
Ashlar Masonry
Ashlar is finely dressed (cut, worked) masonry, either an individual stone that has been worked until squared or the masonry built of such stone.
is an open-air venue used for entertainment, performances, and sports.
A building material developed by the ancient Romans, made primarily from lime, sand, cement, and rubble mixed with water.
A porch is a construction external to the walls of the main building proper.
Any building (or part thereof) constructed in a circular (or sometimes polygonal) shape, usually producing a large open space crowned by a dome.
A rounded vault, usually over a circular space. Consists of curved masonry and can vary in shape.
In architecture, a circular opening. Oculi are usually found either as windows or at the apex of a dome.
The circular wall that supports a dome. Also: a segment of the circular shaft of a column.
A hollow or recess in a wall or other solid architectural element.
A recessed decorative panel that is used to reduce the weight of and to decorate ceilings or vaults. The use of coffers is called coffering.
A large rectangular building. Often built with a clerestory, side aisles separated from the center nave by colonnades, and an apse at one or both ends. Roman centers for administration, later adapted to Christian church use.
The central aisle of a basilica, two or three stories high, flanked by aisles, and defined by the nave arcade or nave colonnade.
Passage or open corridor of a church, hall, or other building that parallels the main space, usually on both sides, and is delineated by a row, or arcade, of columns or piers
A large semicircular or polygonal (and usually vaulted) niche protruding from the end wall of a building.
The topmost zone of a wall with windows in a basilica, extending above the aisle roofs. Provides direct light into the central interior space (the nave).