Roman Unit Flashcards
Model of Etruscan Temple, Early 6th Century BCE (Etruscan)
Capitoline Wolf, ca. 500-480 BCE, (Etruscan/Republican)
Temple of Portunus, Rome, Italy, ca. 75 BCE (Republican)
Alexander Mosaic (Battle of Issos), late 2nd-1st Century BCE, From the House of the Faun, Pompeii (Republican)
Roman copy of Greek painting ca. 310 BCE
Alexander the Great vs. King Darius of Persia
Romulus and Remus
Twin brothers, central characters in Rome’s foundation myth, fathered by the God Mars.
Abandoned and suckled by she-wolf, raised by shepherds.
Romulus kills Remus and founds Rome.
Capitoline Triad (in relation to Etruscan temple)
Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Three Cellas
Capitoline Triad= Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, main cult idols/gods
Pseudoperipteral (Temple of Portunus)
As opposed to peripteral collonade as found on Parthenon, columns on Temple of Portunus are no free standing on sides and back of building (instead are engaged or attached to walls)
Etruscan 600-89 BCE
Period of Kings 753-509 BCE
Republican Period 509-27 BCE
Imperial Period 27 BCE- 337 CE
Atrium of the House of the Vettii, Pompeii, second century BCE, rebuilt 62-79 CE (Republican/Imperial)
Dionysian Mystery Frieze, Second Style Wall Paintings in the Room 5 of the Villa of the Mysteries, Pompeii, Italy, ca. 60-50 BCE (Republican)
Initiation and Nuptial Themes
Main political, cultural, and social center of a town (comparable to the downtown square in Bloomington)
Roman house
First room seen upon entering a Roman home, open skylight and pool to catch rain water, main reception area of house and contained portraits of family’s male ancestors and lararium
Typical Roman bedroom
God of wine and fertility