Roman Republic Flashcards
09Why does Plutarch say Pompey rose to prominence during Sulla’s reign?
“More people worshipped the rising sun than the setting sun” in reference to his triumph
Plut. Pompey 14
What did Plutarch say was the result of one man rule?
“The senate was not its own master”
Plut. Sulla 9
Also in reference to the proscriptions and general tyranny
What precedent did Sulla’s proscriptions set? What did this inspire Augustus to do?
The consolidation of power through reign of terror and proscribed death lists normalised violence against the masses at the whim of one man
Caused Augustus and the 2nd triumvirate to do the same where “ once [the proscriptions] began he carried it through more ruthlessly than either of the others” - suet. Deified Augustus
What powers did Sulla seize from the tribunate in 82/81?
- took away legislative powers
- prevented tribunes from ascending up the cursus honourum
Who removed the ban on tribunes holding further office and when?
Aurelius cotta, consul in 74
Who documents the macer speech and how does he portray the sullan dictatorship?
Sallust, histories 3.34:
“State of slavery engineered by Sulla
When was power of tribunes restored?
“The tribunician power was restored in the consulship of pompey and Crassus”
Sallust, bellum catalinae, 38
When and how was trib. Vatinius used to bypass and weaken the senate?
In 59, he was used to ratify pompey’s eastern settlements, give Caesar Gaul and Crassus the tax rebate
Two examples of tribunals being used to bypass and weaken the senate?
- lex titia makes 2nd triumvirate and their actions legal
- pompey uses lex gabinia to get command over pirates and lex manilla to get command against mithridates (plut. )
How does Sallust romantically describe the tribunate in his histories?
“The tribunician power, the weapon our ancestors fashioned in defence of freedom”
How does mark antony and another tribune motivate the army?
They paraded in front of the soldiers to garner sympathy and empower them to go to war (plut. Caesar 31)
Why does lentellus “gave Caesar the best possible excuse for taking action”?
Plut. Caesar 31
He insulted Antony and curio and drove them both out of the senate
How does plut show suspicious to be violent and corrupt in Sulla. 8.1?
Claims he had “3000 swordsmen” and a group of equestrians he referred to as his “anti-senate” - a threat of mob violence
Who did what to try to prevent the prevention of mithridatic command being transferred to Marius?
(Plut. Sulla 8.3)
“Sulpicius attacked them [the consuls] with a mob”
Tribunes using violence + corruption
How does Cicero portray clodius as violent?
(Ad atticus 4.3)
He had “an armed gang” (raised from his popularity as tribune) and “he thinks of nothing but massacring his enemies”
Tribune violence + corruption
On what issue were Mark Antony and a colleague forbidden to use their veto on in 49 bc?
(Caesar civ wars 1.5)
They could not vote against Caesar being forced to disband his army. This was supposedly enforced by pompey and enemies of Caesar.
Senate suppressing people’s power
“For among the magistrates, the one who has the veto always prevails”
Said by who, why?
Appian bk 3:
In 43 salvius vetoes legislation to put SCU on Antony, saving his life.
Final examples of republican institutions working, power of tribunate over senate
Example of tribunes being stopped from using veto by Caesar and Pompey?
Plut. Pompey 48:
“Two of the tribunes who were escorting him [bibulus - caesars consular colleague] were wounded”
Allowed for land distribution, eastern ratifications and Gallic province allocation law to be passed
Violence and corruption in politics - threat of first triumvirate
Why did curio veto legislation to strip Caesar of command?
“He paid the enormous debts of the tribune curio” (plut. Caesar 29) example of caesars open bribery in senate - leading motive for his prosecution after provincial command ends
What evidence suggests tribune power was revered?
In 58 Caesar adopted powers of a tribune and in 36 Octavian “was chosen a tribune for life” (appian bk 5)
Coveted due to protection by sacrosanctity, reputation for protection of people etc.
How does plut Caesar 14 show soldiers loyalty to generals more than state?
Pompey threatens to “come up against swords with sword and shield” using his veterans if anyone should quarrel caesars land bill and “filled the forum with armed men” to ensure Caesars consulship.
Shows breakdown of republican institutions, violence in politics, undying loyalty to generals
How was relationship between soldiers and generals symbiotic?
Appian 5.13:
“The rulers depend on the soldiers to guarantee them power… the soldiers depend on the men who have given them land to continue in power”
Integrity of military in politics, loyalty to generals over state, instability of republic
How does Caesar exemplify ambition of generals?
“Mother, today you’ll see your son either pontifex maximus or an exile” (63bc, plut Caesar 7)
“Prestige has always been of prime importance to me, even outweighing life itself” (Caesar civ war)
Highlights “never aging passions” and reinforces that “in this Caesar I see many a Marius” (suet. Caesar) said by Sulla after pleas to de prescribe him
Why was crossing the rubicon so significant?
Suet div. Jul. 32: “the die is cast” (corroborated by plut, pollio. He could not turn back after breaking sacred law by bringing a provincial force across the boundary northern river, desperate/rash behaviour displayed - shows his fear of prosecution and lust to keep power
Phrasing implies this was a gamble, aids to Caesars impulsive personality
What was Caesars counter offer to giving up all power?
Offered to give up most of his provinces should he be able to keep “at least Illyrian and 1 legion” (suet. Div. Jul 29)
What did Octavian inherit rom Caesar (not money or property - intangible)?
The loyalty of Caesars legions: “his followers call him Caesar” (cic. Ad att. )
The army wanted to make him consul “because he was Caesars son” (Appian 3.88)
First instance of hereditary power and succession encouraged - breakdown of republic
Examples of Caesar bribing soldiers?
“Every infantryman of Caesars forces earned a reward of 24000 sesterces… and a farm” (suet. Div. Jul. 28)
He gave “each man a present of 250 drachmae” (years wages) to keep loyal to him and convince Pompey Caesar was unpopular when they returned to him
What did military tribune ofilius say about troops rewards?
App. Bk 5
“The rewards for soldiers were lands and money”
How did Octavian take 2 of Antony’s (ex Caesars) legions?
“By means of lavish gifts did Octavian bind these mercenaries to himself” (app. Bk 3)
Used bribery to bring them over like Caesar
Why did Appian say in book 5 were the colonies created?
“The colonies were established with the purpose of the republic never lifting its head because mercenaries, ready to do the bidding of men in power, had been settled along side them”
Fear tactics. Nearby veteran soldiers loyal to generals ready to fight decisions against their commander
What tactic did Catullus try to use to stop Caesar running for pontifex maximus in 63?
Bribery, the briber became the bribed.
Plut. Caesar 7: “Catullus… tried to induce Caesar to desist from his ambitious project, offering him large sums of money”
Who used bribery to gain power?
Everyone, it was necessary. Usually it was accepted as underhanded gentleman’s agreements but Caesar was quite open - this attracted a disliking from the traditionalist optimates
Why did hybrida not support the rullan land bill?
Cicero (uncharacteristically) bribed him with wealthy province of Macedonia post consulship to gain his opposition
Why were tribunes bribed?
Powerful men bribed “pet tribunes” to get through legislation in return for money or auctoritas
Eg. Caesar and curio (50bc), bibulus’ injured tribunes and Pompey and gabinius (as in lex gabinia -pirates) who was “sponsored” by Pompey going on to be consul for 58 (plut. Pomp. 47)
Why did verres take money from the Provences in 70bc?
One years worth for himself, another to pay off his debts and a third to pay off the jurors (cic. Against verres 1.40)
Bribery to avoid punishment for actions - prevalent in juries
What does Cicero ad atticus 1.16 was the reason clodius got off in 61?
Despite ciceros damning evidence for his criminality in the bona dea scandal, he was found innocent:
“The reason for the acquittal of clodius… was the poverty and disreputable characters of the jurors”
How were Sullan proscriptions in 82 a kind of bribery?
Killers/captors gain deceased’s estate- use of money to get his way.
Hence the system was open to corruption:
“Many too were killed as a result of private feuds…in order to gratify his supporter” (plut. Sulla 10)
Why is violence used so readily in Roman politics?
Physical threat is a great scare tactic to have over people, the use of mob violence also empowers the people and creates a physical manifestation of political power and it lends itself to the integrated military criteria required for Roman politicians, letting them effectively use army command techniques in politics.
Examples of corruption due to law carried incorrectly?
- clodius trial of 61
- in 63, Pompey passed a law preventing a consul from gaining a province until 5 years after he leaves office but forgot to exempt Caesar until after the law was passed (suet. Caesar 28)
How does Cicero claim Antony abuses power in Phillipics 2.97 in 44?
Insinuates he falsifies last testaments of Caesar (giving up province of Crete once Brutus leaves) for personal gain and states “there was nothing in the whole world which anyone would want to buy that this fellow would not sell”
How does ciceros phillipic 2.91 suggest Antony abuses his power regarding citizenship in 44?
“Citizenship was also being given… to entire provinces” insinuating Antony had a private favour following these unusual acts of generosity
What did piso and Catullus blame Cicero for in 63?
“Piso and Catullus blamed Cicero for having spared Caesar when he was vulnerable during the affair of cataline”
(Plut. Caesar 7)
Examples of embezzlement from provinces?
Verres in 70 bc with Sicily (cic. Against verres 1.40)
Crassus’ tax rebate is evidence of misappropriation of funds and embezzlement (plut)
How does plut Sulla 8 describe sulpicius in 88?
As a “man who’s consummate villainy was second to none” with “3000 swordsmen” and an “anti-senate” with which he “attacked them [the consuls] with a mob” for trying to stop him transferring mithridatic command to Marius
- not good
How does plut Sulla 9 suggest the republic is collapsing under sulpicius and Marius?
“The senate was not its own master”
Relatively true for majority of republican era following this
How was intimidation to pass laws used in 43 bc in octavians favour?
“This will make him consul if you don’t” (suet. Dei. Aug. 26)
Soldier revealing his sword in the senate house as Octavian marches on Rome
What aided mark antony and cassius when they came to incite caesars legions to march on rome?
They were ‘roughed up a bit’ which allowed them to accuse the senate of going against the people by attacking their defenders and gaining the dissatisfaction of the gods (injuring sacrosanct person)
Why does cicero dislike clodius?
What evidences his feelings?
Mainly because of his involvement in the bona dea scandal of 62 when cicero provided damning evidence against him but he was found innocent because of judicial bribery - clodius also had a popularis political outlook that polarized cicero’s and challenged his anti-political-violence stance.
“clodius is hostile to me”
“thinks of nothing but massacring his enemies” and has “an armed gang”
(cic. ad. att.)
How many times were proscriptions implemented in the late republic and what did they do?
Twice; sulla, 2nd triumvirate. They gave leaders the ability to remove opposition, gain their wealth (for private or public benefit) and ingratiate themselves with amicita (would kill off other’s rivals, grant their estates to thank powerful men for support)
How did octavian carry out his proscriptions in 43 (continuing sulla’s precedent)?
“once [the proscriptions] had begun, he carried it through more ruthlessly than either of the others” (suet. dei. aug.)
although initially reluctant, he used the power more severely than antony, lepidus or sulla - republic collapsed due to practices and problems already present being taken to the extreme and exploited