Roman Quiz Flashcards
Date: Bronze age
1800-900 BCE
Date: Iron Age
900-725 BCE
Date: Orientalizing period
925-580 BCE
Date: Archaic Period
580-480 BCE
Date: Early Republic
509-264 BCE
Date: Middle Republic
264-133 BCE
Date: Late Republic
Date: Foundation of Rome
753 BCE
Date: Foundation of the Republic
509 BCE
Date: Conflict of the Orders
500-287 BCE
Date: Battle of Lack Regillus
496 BCE
Date: Sack of Veii
396 BCE
Date: Sack of Rome by Brennus and the Gauls
390/386 BCE
Date: Samnite Wars
340-290 BCE
Date: Latin War
340-338 BCE
Date: Battle of the Caudine Forks
321 BCE
Date: Battle of the Sentinum
295 BCE
Date: First Punic War
264-241 BCE
Date: Second Punic War
218-201 BCE
Date: Battle of Cannae
215 BCE
Date: Titus Livius
64/59 BCE - 17/12 CE
Date: Polybius
200-118 BCE
Date: Romulus
753-715 BCE
Date: Numa Pompilius
715-673 BCE
Date: Servius Tullius
578-535 BCE
L. Tarquinius Superbus
534-510 BCE
Pyrrhus of Epirus
318-272 BCE
Phillip V of Macedon
238-179 BCE
Perseus of Macedon
212-166 BCE
L. Aemilius Pallus Macedonius
Two-time consul who took over the Macedonian kingdom around 171 BC
L. Junius Brutus
Lead to the overthrow of the last king around 500 BC, partially due to the outrage of Lucretia.
Roman magistrates responsible for public buildings and holding public games
ager publicus
the public land of Rome, typically acquired through conquest
ager romanus
The geographical area that surrounds Rome
curule chair
The seat of power in Rome. Noted for its typical pair of bronze legs
Household or family in Rome, but also lead under one head
gens (gentes)
group of families in Rome with the same common name and lineage
lapis niger
Ancient shrine in Rome with a map and some type of black rock that’s supposed to be holy. Nobody, even the Romans, really knows what it means.
latin league
the ancient confederation of about 30 villages and tribes in the ancient Roman area
Unit of 3,000 to 6,000 men in a Roman army
Roman goddess of liberty
Typically body guards of the magistrates carrying the fasci
Subdivision of a Roman legion containing 120 to 60 men
lowest level of government. Example of this is Rome welcoming immigration
nexum (nexa)
debt bondage if someone refuses to pay their loan. Later abolished in 326 BC
nomen (nomina)
Second name in Rome, indicating which gens he belonged to.
pontifex (pontifices)
Members of the state priesthood in the highest rank.
praenom (praenomina)
The first, personal name of a Roman. Typically reserved amongst men.
Latin phrase which translates to public affair
Head of a plebian tribe used to represent them in the senate. Often very wealthy, but unable to mix with the patricians.