Roman Liturgy and Chant Flashcards
Church calendar
commemorated event or saint w/feast day in cycle
Latin missa (dismissed) musical work setting setting text of Ordinary of the Mass
What is in the Ordinary of the Mass?
Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Day
Proper of the Mass
texts for certain Mass that vary daily
Proper chants
called by function
Ordinary chants
by initial words, sung by choir
Latin officium (ceremony or obligation) 8 services of prayer that were celebrated daily at different times
What is the book of Rule of Benedict?
instructions to run monastery
chant sung before and after psalm
musical responses w/lessons
poetic passages from Bible
Benedictine Abbey of Solesmes
monks who wrote books that officiated services
Liber usualis
Book of Common Use
widely used texts/chants for Mass and Office
What are the 3 manners of Gregorian Chant?
responsorial - soloists alternates with choir or congregation
antiphonal - 2 groups of choir alternate
direct - no alternation
What are the 3 styles of Gregorian Chant?
Syllabic - every syllable on single note
Neumatic - syllables that carry 1 -6 notes, one note per syllable
Melismas - long melodic passages on single syllable
Recitation Formulas
simply melody used for different texts
Psalm Tones
singing psalms in Office
Lesser Doxology
formula of praise to Trinity sung to same psalm tone
leader of choir
several stanzas sung to same melody
singing of psalms
long melisma on β-iaβ of Alleluia
longest chants Latin tractus (drawn out)
grouping Ordinary chants w/one setting of each text
expanded existing chants
What are the 3 types of Tropes?
introductory trope - new words or music set before chant
intercalated trope - new words or music set before each phrase of chant
text only, set to existing melismas
pose text
Genre where set chants syllabically to text mostly in couplets
Liturgical Drama
Dialogue on sacred subject
set to music
performed like play
Hildegard of Bingen
Abbess who wrote and composed music
Ordo Virtutum
Hildegard of Bingen composed
sacred musical drama of 82 songs
What is the Quem queirits in prespe?
(late 10th C)
liturgical drama for Christmas
When and why is Tropes to Mass for Christmas Day important piece of music?
copied on manuscript in Limoges
When did Council of Trent ban tropes and most sequences?