Roman History Flashcards
The 7 Roman Kings
- Romulus
- Numa Pompilius
- Tullus Hostilius
- Ancus Marcius
- Tarquinius Priscus
- Servius Tullius
- Tarquinius Superbus
Rome’s founding
April 21, 753 BCE
End of Monarchy
509 BCE
Caesar’s assassination
March 15, 44 BCE
Cicero’s consulship
63 BCE
First consuls
Brutus and Collatinus
The Twelve Tables’ creation date
Who created the Twelve Tables
2 sets of decemvirs
Gaul sacks Rome
390 BCE
1st Samnite War
343-341 BCE
Latin War
341-338 BCE
2nd Samnite War
326-304 BCE
Rome’s first aqueduct
312 BCE
3rd Samnite War
298-290 BCE
Scipio Barbatus’s consulship and later death
298 BCE and 280 BCE
Plebeian assembly given force of law
287 BCE
Pyrrhic War
280 - 275 BCE
1st Punic War
264-241 BCE
2nd Punic War and against whom
219-202 BCE, Hannibal
1st Macedonian War, and against whom
215-205 BCE, Philip V
2nd Macedonian War, and against whom
200-197 BCE, Philip V
3rd Macedonian War, and against whom
172-168 BCE, Perseus
Hannibal crosses the alps
218 BCE
Battle of Cannae, against whom, consuls in charge
216 BCE, Hannibal, Varro & Aemilius Paullus
Magna Mater in Rome
204 BCE
Battle of Zama, against whom, consuls
202 BCE, Hannibal, Scipio Africanus and Massinissa
sack of Carthage, by whom
146 BCE, Scipio Aemilianus
3rd Punic War
149-146 BCE
Tiberus Gracchus assassination
133 BCE
Assassination of Gaius Gracchus
121 BCE
Social War
91-89 BCE
1st Mithradatic War
89-85 BCE
2nd Mithradatic War
83-81 BCE
3rd Mithradatic War
73-63 BCE
Sulla’s reforms / proscriptions
82-81 BCE
Revolt of Spartacus
73 -71 BCE
Destroyer of Spartacus’s revolt
Cicero’s Against Verres
70 BCE
Pompey captures Jerusalem
63 BCE
Destroyer of Mithradates
Exile of Cicero
58 - 57 BCE
death of Crassus and why
53 BCE, lost standards to Parthians at Carrhae
Civil Wars
49-31, Caesar v. Pompey
Battle of Pharsalus and what happens
48 BCE, Pompey dies in Egypt
Caesar’s triumph
46 BCE
First triumvirate
Caesar, Pompey, Crassus (60-53 BCE)
Second triumvirate
Octavian, Mark Antony, Lepidus (43 BCE)
Battle of Actium, when and what happened
31 BCE, Octavian defeats Mark Antony (not dead until 30 with Cleopatra)
Octavian’s triumph
29 BCE
Octavian = Augustus
27 BCE
Parthian standards returned
19 BCE
Augustus’s reign
31 BCE - 14 CE
Tiberius’s reign
14 CE - 37 CE
Gaius / Caligula’s reign
37 - 41 CE
Claudius’s reign
41 CE - 54 CE
Nero’s reign
54 - 68 CE
Year of the 4 Emperors
69 CE: Galba, Otho, Vitellus, Vespasian
Vespasian’s reign
69 - 79 CE
Titus’s reign
79 - 81 CE
Domitian’s reign
81 - 96 CE
Nerva’s reign
96 - 98 CE
Trajan’s reign
98 - 117 CE
Hadrian’s reign
117 - 138 CE
Antoninus Pius’s reign
138 - 161 CE
Marcus Aurelius’s reign
161 - 180 CE
Lucius Verus’s reign
161 - 169 CE
Marcus Aurelius AND Lucius Verus’s reign
161 - 169 CE
Commodus’s reign
180 - 192 CE
Julio-Claudian Dynasty
14 - 68 CE
Flavian Dynasty
69 - 96 CE
Adoptive Dynasty
96 - 192 CE