Roman History Flashcards
Orthodox Christians
Supporters of traditionally accepted principles of Christianity
Council of Nicae
Defined what Christians should believe about the trinity
Capitol city of Byzantine empire; present day of Istanbul, Turkey
Hagia Sofia
Church of Constantinople known for its beauty; started as a Christian church, then became a mosque, then a museum, then returned to being a mosque
Foreign soldier hired to fight for a country
Belief in more than one God
Belief in one God
Constantine I
Moved the capital of the Roman Empire to Constantinople, made Christianity legal in the Roman Empire; converted to Christianity
Emperor of the Byzantine Empire; created simplified code of Roman laws; also known as ________the Great
Scandinavian countries
Norway Sweden Denmark
Tract of land given to vassels
Code for medieval Knights to follow
Battle of Hastings
English battle in 1066 in which William of Normandy defeated Harold Godwinson; resulted in Harold’s death and the change of England being under the control of the Saxons to Norman rule
Coat of arms
distinctive emblem that identified a knight in battle; today an emblem can identify an individual, family, school, or organization