Roman Art Terms Flashcards
<p>A broad-leafed plant with many spikes, used as a decorative pattern on Corinthian capitals and reliefs</p>
<p>Ornaments at the apex of the gable and at the corners of the roof of a temple</p>
<p>The inert material (sand, gravel, or rubble) bound with pozzolana to form concrete</p>
<p>agora (Greek)/ forum (Roman)</p>
<p>Term for open-air market spaces or political centers</p>
<p>Wing or side section of a house or temple</p>
<p>Latin for ¨cave¨ or ¨grotto¨; innermost recess of a hillside santuary</p>
<p>A semicircular space, usually at the end of a hall or basilica</p>
The horizontal architectural element above the columns in a classical temple
atmospheric perspective
An art technique for creating the illusion of distance by making faraway objects appear hazier than objects in the foreground
The central room of a traditional Roman house
Upper portion of a triumphal arch
The conventional name for halls built to accommodate a crowd of people for civic and administrative purposes
Fine black polished pottery made by the Etruscans
The upper, spreading element of a column, forming a transition between the vertical shaft and horizontal elements of the architrave
A female figure used as a support, most commonly for mirror handles or as a replacement for columns
The rounded hollow space in a theatre where the seats were placed