Rolling And Flying Scenery Flashcards
What are wagons?
Wagons are small platforms that rest on castors instead of legs.
What are 2 types of casters ?
How are they attached to platforms to become wagons?
- Swivel
- Rigid
They are bolted onto caster plates attached to the bottoms of the platform
How much space should be left between the bottom of a wagon and the stage floor.
1/2 - 3/4 inch
How far apart should each caster be placed and why?
No more than 48 inches
To prevent the platform from bouncing when it’s walked on
What is a truss used for?
What materials can they be made of?
Used to bridge large spans of space between supporting points.
Wood, and welded steel
Why are trusses so strong?
The distribution of forces; the downward force being channeled into horizontal force by the legs of the triangle
What are the types 3 of trusses?
- Sandwich truss
- Plywood truss
- 2x4 truss sandwich
What are revolves/turntables?
What are the 2 primary challenges of building them?
Circular platforms that pivot on their central axis.
- Attaching the casters so the wheels are perpendicular to the radii
- Placing the pivot in exactly the centre of the revolve
What is a skid?
A caster less substitute for wagons that is used to shift lightweight scenic elements like chairs, tables etc.
What is a winch?
What is mechanical advantage?
A machine that converts rotational motion to linear movement by increasing power through mechanical advantage.
Mechanical advantage allows heavy loads to be moved w relatively little effort
What does the amount of mechanical advantage depend on?
The comparing of the length of the crank handle with the radius of the winch drum.
What is a motorized winch? And what are the 2 types found in theatres.
A variable speed electric motor .
Rigging & flying
Suspending/hanging something in the air. Can be dynamic (it moves) or static (doesn’t move)
An independent rope that can be placed wherever you want
Good for individual pieces of scenery
Chain motor
At the stage level
Connects to a rope or cable from your grid or beans
WLL: Working load limit
All rigging instruments have a WLL. Way less than actual breaking point
Side rigging
Rigging on the wrong spot on a shackle (side of the shackle)
Why fly scenery?
To reveal/conceal
for scene changing
Old style fly system (Hemp house)
Fly system: Where arbour is a Sunday tied around the wires/ropes
Sandbags tied to the end of the Sunday = counterweight systems
Electronic/motorized winch fly systems
Most sophisticated fly system that has one winch per batten
Double purchase weight system
Relies on pulley systems
Can be run from the fly floor, not only stage deck
Mechanical advantage
Lift stuff at the half of the weight
Having more rope tied around pulley system
- Carribeener
- Shackles
- Quick link
-illigitamable shackle
-hanging irons (top, bottom) - eye bolts
- cable keeper
Flying things (side to side instead of ups)
Flying things upstage and downstage
eg. attaching a line to a flown in a cyclorama so that it makes a U shape & it is out of the way.
2 types of drops
Roll drops (don’t roll on pipe)
Olio (ropes wrap around pipe)