RollerGirl Flashcards
What is the main charecters name
What is the theme of the story
Keep working hard
What is Astrid’s so called friend’s name
What is Astrid’s roller name
What is Astrid’s new friend’s name
What sport does Astrid play
roller derby
What does Nichole do as a sport
she does ballet
What is a character trait of Astrid’s
who are the coaches
Heidi go seek and Napoleon Blownapart
what are the 3 positions
blocker, piovet, jammer
who wrote this book?
Victoria Jamieson
Did Astrid know how to roller skate before she tried roller derby?
no, she just thought it was cool
who are Astrid’s enemies?
Rachel and Braidy Punch
who was Zoey’s crush?
Hugh Jackman
what does astrid have to rent
knee pads,skates and wrist guards
what color did astrid dye her hair
when did rachel transfer to a new school
3rd grade
what present did nicole give her from the skate shop
rainbow socks
picasso had a blue period astrid had a —– period
black period
where did her mom take her and nicole to after their ece
where did zoey say was were all teenage dreams happen
Greenwood pharmacy
what does ece stand for
evening of cultural enlightment
who do the rose city rollers play
the oregon city rollergirls
who was astrids favorite rose city roller
rainbow bite
what does nicole order from burgertown
a salad
how much money is in her emergency fund every week
whats astrids last name
what do the other girls call her after her fall in the park
speed demon
what does astrid call herself in her notes to rainbow bite
rose dud
what does zoey say not to do when they are dying her hair
read the instructions