Roles, Responsibilities + Limitations of the RVN Flashcards
What is the regulatory body that governs veterinary professionals?
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
Name the piece of legislation that works in accordance with the RCVS, to govern veterinary proffesionals
The Veterinary Surgeons Act of 1966
Besides regulating veterinary professionals, what are the 2 aims of the VS Act of 1966 + the RCVS?
- To protect the public health + interest
- Safeguard animal health + welfare
What are the 3 forms in which the RCVS regulates the nursing proffesion?
- The Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966
- The Royal Charter
- The Veterinary Nurse Conduct + Discipline Rules 2014
Do you need to be registered with the RCVS in order to practice Veterinary Nursing in the UK?
doesn’t stop some people from trying it though!
Define the meaning of ‘veterinary surgery’.
The art and science of veterinary surgery and medicine
“..without prejudice”
What are the 6 things that RVS can do, that RVNs cannot?
- Diagnose disease, conditions + injuries
- Prescribe treatment, medications + laboratory tests
- Administer the 1st dose of a vaccine
- Delegate proffesional responsbilites + tasks
- Administer anaesthesia to affect/induce
- Performing all surgical operations, including the entering into a body cavity
Can anyone call themselves a Veterinary Nurse?
Can anyone call themselves a Registered Veterinary Nurse?
What are the 3 things that 3.5 of the Veterinary Nurse Code states VNs cannot hold themselves accountable for?
- They cannot hold themselves or others as having expertise they cannot substantiate
- They cannot hold out others as specialists or advanced practitioners - unless they are appropriately listed with the RCVS
- They cannot hold out others, as VNs, unlesse they are appropriateely registered with the RCVS
Basically - refer to colleagues with the correct terms
Don’t worry about getting this wrong!
State the year that the RCVS Code of Proffesional Conduct was updated.
What are the 3 main aims that the RCVS Code of Proffesional Conduct 2014 sets out to do?
- Sets out RVSs + RVNs proffesional reponsibilities
- Provides supporting guidance on the proper professional standards in practice
- Provides guidance on how RVNs should act within and without the veterinary practice - and the impact on the RCVS
State the 2 main professional priorities of RVNs in the practice?
- Ensure the health + welfare of the animals comitted to their care
- Fufill all their professional responsbilities
What are the 5 principles of practice for RVNs?
- Professional competence
- Honesty + integrity
- Independence + impartiality
- Client confidentiality + trust
- Proffesional accountability
State what the schedule 3 ammendment, within the Veterinary Surgeons Act of 1966 does?
States that RVSs can direct an RVN or SVN - whom they employ - to carry out limited veterinary surgery.
This privilege states that they can carry out:
* Medical treatment
* Minor surgery - NOT entering into a body cavity
Under the DIRECTION of a RVS.
What qualifications does a RVS need?
A degree level that is RCVS accredited (MRCVS)
Must be RCVS accredited
When employed, must be on the RCVS register
What do RVSs have to declare?
Any criminal convictions or offences
Do RVSs require to complete a minimum set of training hours before receiving their qualification?
How many hours of CPD a year must a RVS carry out?
35 hours/p/year
What qualifications does a RVN need?
* Degree
* Diploma
* FdSc
* BSc
* MA
Must be RCVS accredited
When employed, must be on the RCVS register
What do RVNs have to declare?
Any criminal convictions or offences
How many hours of CPD are required by the RCVS every year?
15 Hours/p/year
Do RVNs require to complete a minimum set of training hours before receiving their qualification?
What can SVNs carry out that RVNs can?
SVNs may carry out all tasks that a RVNs can - BUT - they MUST be supervised by a RVS or RVN!
When carrying out minor surgery, as a SVN, what type of supervision iss required?
What is one of the considerations that RVSs have to consider, when delegating proffesional tasks to SVNs?
The delegated task is appropriately lined in with the SVNs training - i.e. appropriate to the stage of learning
* Confidence with the procedure
* Experience with the procedure
* State of behaviour, health, condition + welfare of patient
* Assessed risks
Can SVNs carry out IM injections?
Yes - but as they are considered a Schedule 3 activity, they MUST be supervised by a RVS or RVN
State what is meant by the term ‘direction’
Give an example
When an RVS instructs the SVN the tasks to be performed; but not necessarily present
State what is meant by the term ‘supervision’
Give an example
When the RVS or RVN is present on the premises
Able to respond to a request for assistance, if required
State what is meant by the term ‘direct, continuous and personal supervision’
Give an example
When the RVS or RVN is present
Giving the SVN their undivided attention
What are the many vital considerations that a RVS must consider when delegating a task to a RVN or SVN, in relation to Schedule 3 procedures?
S pecific procedure
U nder care
P erson
E xperience
R isks
B e there
- How difficult the procedure is
- What are the risks?
- Are they qualified to undertake the procedure?
- Are they able to react + respond appropriately if complocations were to rise?
- The nature of the task
- The animal concerned (including species, condition, welfare, likelihood of complicatoins, owners wishes etc)
- The person - is the RVS satisfied that the SVN feels capable to carry out the procedure competetly + succesfully (confidence, reliability + training)
- The availability of other qualified staff
Give an example of someone whom is considered a ‘lay person’
Anyone who isn’t a RVS, RVN or SVN.
I.e. VCA
They are considered to have no legal dispendations.
Define what is meant by first aid
Who is allowed to carry out emergency first aid on animals?
The act of aid that preserves life or relieves pain or suffering
This must be restricted within reason.
What does the RCVS Code of Proffesional Conduct 2014 state regarding accomodating patients within the veterinary practice?
They should be housed in a:
* Comfortable environment
* Monitored + treated in accordance with their current condition
* ^ by pesrons with the relevant level of knowledge + expertise
What document sets out the RVNs responsbilities?
The RCVS Code of Proffesional Conduct 2014
Name the 3 main veterinary proffesionals that may carry out Schedule 3 procedures
- RVSs
- RVNs
- SVNs
RVNs + SVNs exempt from entering a body cavity - i.e introduction of a c
Name the other 5 types of people who may carry out Schedule 3 procedures
- Owners, member of household or employee
- Owners of person caring for agricultural animals
Animal husbandry trainees to:
* Castrating certain male animals,
* Disbudding calves
* Docking lamb’s tails
- Any person carrying out emergency first aid to preserve life + relieve suffering
All are considered restricted from acts of ‘veterinary surgery’