1a) Explain two reasons for using an Organisation Breakdown Structure (OBS) when creating a Responsibility Assignment Matric (RAM)


One reason for using an Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS) when creating a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is that it helps to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of individuals or groups involved in the project. By using an OBS, the project team can break down the organization into functional areas and assign responsibilities accordingly.

This ensures that each individual or group knows what is expected of them and can work together effectively to achieve the project goals.

Another reason for using an OBS when creating a RAM is that it helps to ensure that all necessary roles and responsibilities are covered.
By using an OBS, the project team can identify all of the functional areas or departments involved in the project and ensure that each area has a clear role and responsibility defined in the RAM. This can help to prevent confusion or overlap between different areas, and ensure that all aspects of the project are properly managed.

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1b) Explain one difference between the responsibilities of the PM and Sponsor during each of the following lifecycle phases : Definition ; Deployment ; Transition


Definition phase:
* Project Manager:
responsible for identifying the project objectives, scope, and stakeholders, & creating the PMP.

  • The Sponsor:
    responsible for providing resources, approving the PMP, and ensuring that the project aligns with the organization’s strategic goals.

The difference:
PM is responsible for executing the project and ensuring that it is delivered in scope, on schedule and budget.

The Sponsor is responsible for ensuring that the project aligns with the organization’s goals and objectives.

Deployment phase:

  • Project Manager:
    responsible for managing project resources, monitoring project progress, and ensuring that the project is delivered within the defined schedule, budget, and quality.
  • The Sponsor:
    is responsible for providing the necessary resources, removing any obstacles that may impede project progress, and ensuring that the project remains aligned with the organization’s goals and objectives

The difference: PM is responsible for executing the project plan and managing the project team, while the Sponsor is responsible for ensuring that the project aligns with the organization’s goals and objectives.

Transition phase:

  • Project Manager
    responsible for ensuring that the project deliverables meet the specified requirements and that the project is closed out properly.
  • The Sponsor
    responsible for ensuring that the project benefits are realized and that the project outcomes align with the organization’s goals and objectives.

The difference: PM is responsible for delivering the project within the defined scope, schedule, and budget, while the Sponsor is responsible for ensuring that the project benefits align with the organization’s goals and objectives.

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Explain 2 differences between the role of the Project Manager and Sponsor during the Deployment phase


During the deployment phase, the Project Manager’s primary responsibility is to ensure that the project deliverables are completed and delivered as per the defined project scope, schedule and quality requirements. The Project Manager is also responsible for managing project risks and issues, monitoring and reporting project progress, and managing the project team. It is important that the Project Manager ensures that the project is delivered on time, within budget and to the required quality standards to satisfy the needs of the project stakeholders.

On the other hand, the Sponsor’s primary responsibility during the deployment phase is to provide high-level oversight and guidance to ensure that the project aligns with the organization’s strategic objectives. The Sponsor also plays a crucial role in stakeholder management by ensuring that the project is meeting stakeholder expectations and communicating with them appropriately.

It is important that the Sponsor provides support to the Project Manager and the project team by resolving any organizational issues, providing access to additional resources and ensuring that the project has the necessary funding to be completed successfully.

One key difference between the role of the Project Manager and the Sponsor during the deployment phase is the level of detail and scope of responsibility. The Project Manager is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the project, while the Sponsor is responsible for the overall strategic direction of the project. It is important that both roles work together to ensure that the project is delivered successfully and meets the organization’s objectives.

Another difference is the level of involvement in risk management. The Project Manager is responsible for managing project risks, identifying and assessing potential risks, and implementing risk mitigation strategies. The Sponsor, however, is responsible for ensuring that the project aligns with the organization’s risk management framework and that any significant risks are appropriately escalated to the appropriate level of management. It is important that both the Project Manager and Sponsor work together to ensure that risks are managed effectively and the project is delivered successfully.

Key words: Project Manager, Sponsor, Deployment phase, resource management, risk management, project plan, project goals, project objectives, stakeholders, project team.

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Explain 1 responsibility for each of the following – User ; Product Owner ; Project Steering Group


One responsibility of a user in a project is to provide feedback on the project outputs to ensure that they meet the required standards and requirements. Users are responsible for testing and validating the deliverables to ensure they are fit for purpose. It is important for users to provide feedback as it ensures that the project outputs meet the needs of the business and stakeholders, and that the project is delivered successfully.

Product Owner:
The product owner is responsible for managing the product backlog, prioritizing features, and ensuring that the team is working on the most valuable work. The product owner is responsible for the product vision and ensures that the team is delivering features that align with that vision. It is important for the product owner to provide clear direction and communicate the product vision to ensure the team is working towards a common goal.

Project Steering Group:
The project steering group is responsible for overseeing the project to ensure that it is aligned with the business goals and objectives. They provide guidance and support to the project manager and ensure that the project is progressing according to plan. It is important for the project steering group to be actively involved in the project to ensure that it is delivered successfully and meets the required standards.

Need to explain why they are important.
Key words: User, Product Owner, Project Steering Group, feedback, prioritization, product backlog, guidance, oversight, strategic goals.

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3a) Two differences between permanent & temporary types of organisation structure


Organizational structure is a key element in the success of a project. There are two main types of organizational structure: permanent and temporary. Here are two key differences between these two types of structures:

Purpose: The main difference between permanent and temporary organizational structures is their purpose. A permanent organizational structure is designed to provide ongoing support for the organization’s day-to-day operations. In contrast, a temporary organizational structure is established for a specific project or initiative and is designed to disband once the project is completed. The purpose of a temporary organizational structure is to ensure that the project is completed efficiently and effectively, without disrupting the ongoing operations of the organization

Flexibility: Another key difference between permanent and temporary organizational structures is their level of flexibility. A permanent organizational structure is typically more rigid and hierarchical, with well-defined roles and responsibilities. This can make it difficult to respond quickly to changing circumstances or unexpected challenges. In contrast, a temporary organizational structure is designed to be more flexible, with more fluid roles and responsibilities that can be adapted as needed to meet the requirements of the project.

Overall, while both permanent and temporary organizational structures have their advantages and disadvantages, the key to success is to choose the structure that best fits the needs of the organization and the project.

Key words: permanent organizational structure, temporary organizational structure, purpose, flexibility, roles and responsibilities, project.

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3b) Explain 1 responsibility for the following project participants: User ; team members & Product Owner.


During a project, there are several key project participants who have specific responsibilities. Here are one key responsibility for each of the following:

User: One key responsibility of the user during a project is to provide feedback on the product being developed. This includes testing the product, providing input on its functionality and usability, and identifying any issues or bugs that need to be addressed. By providing this feedback, users help to ensure that the final product meets their needs and expectations.

Team Members: One key responsibility of team members during a project is to work collaboratively to complete project tasks on time and within budget. This involves communicating effectively with other team members, sharing knowledge and expertise, and identifying and addressing issues and risks as they arise. By working collaboratively, team members can ensure that the project is completed efficiently and effectively.

Product Owner: One key responsibility of the Product Owner during a project is to prioritize the product backlog. This involves working closely with the development team to determine which features and functionality are most important for the product, and then ordering them in the backlog accordingly. By prioritizing the backlog in this way, the Product Owner helps to ensure that the most important features are developed first and that the project is delivered on time and within budget

Key words: User, team members, Product Owner, feedback, collaboration, project tasks, communication, prioritization, backlog.

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List the different types of Project Office


Portfolio / Programme / Project Office

Embedded PMO

Central PMO

Hub and Spoke PMO

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Describe the functions and benefits of different types of Project Office


PMO Functions - Admin support, collecting progress info, ownerships of tools and info

PMO Benefits - Frees up Project Managers Time

Embedded PMO benefits - Effective and reactive for the Project, Programme or portfolio that it supports

Central PMO benefits - Flexible and effective in supporting a large number of small projects

Hub and Spoke PMO benefits - Effective for managing information and processes

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Explain the difference between a Project and BAU

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