Roles and Responsibilities Policing Flashcards
Agencies within the police
Home office
Immigration Drugs policy Crime Fire Counter terrorism and policing
Her majesty’s inspectorate of constabulary fire and rescue service
Tasked with examining and improving efficiency of police.
Inspectors are appointed by the crown on recommendation of the Home Office.
Police and Crime commissioner
Produce a police and crime plan Hold chief constables to account Be responsible for the appointment/dismissal of chief constables Set force budget Engage with public and communities
Chief constable
Assisted by deputy chief constable (DCC) and assistant chief constable (ACC)
Responsible for the operational delivery of policing
National Police Cheifs Council
National coordination body for law enforcement
Allows independent chief constables and their force to work together to improve policing
College of Policing
Professional body for everyone working across policing.
Independent office for police complaints
Carry out independent investigations where death or serious injury has been caused by actions of the police as well as matters such as allegations or corruption.