Role Specific Questions Flashcards


What are the key things you would want to know about the children before you started working with them?


I would want to know if they have an EHCP plan and what their long-term and short-term targets are so I can adapt learning to ensure they are progressing towards these targets.

I would want to talk to the SENCO and their caregivers to get information about the children and any methods and techniques they use so I can keep things consistent.

  • Do they have physical health issues?
  • Dietary requirements - do they struggle with sensory issues while eating?
  • Accessibility/ mobility issues?
  • Preferred methods of communication? Visual pictures? Favourite words? Trigger words? Use social stories?
  • Sensory profile? What do they like to seek and avoid, are there any sensory interventions?
  • Other staff working with the children like an occupational therapist for example I need to communicate.
  • Are there certain behavioural responses in place for certain behaviours I need to emulate?
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What role do you see yourself playing?


I see this role as a team effort. Although I am there 1:1 there are many others that I will need to communicate with such as the SENCO, the child’s parents and the staff in general as we all want the best for these children and play certain roles as a team. But a 1:1 role I see me as being a facilitator. I ensure I facilitate the right conditions and environment for that child to flourish in. I am not there to restrict them, Molly coddle them but to create an environment where that child feels able to do things they might not necessarily feel able to do by themselves. It is my job to ensure there needs are being met on a daily basis and observe them to know when perhaps they’re able to do a little more or when it would be more beneficial to take things easy if there basic needs may not have been met that day for example they haven’t been able to sleep all night and haven’t been able to eat breakfast due to an overload of sensory information. It’s my job to be patient but consistent with any plans that are in place and most importantly be kind, calm and supportive and to build a trusting relationship with that child.

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