Role of the WTO + Free Trade Flashcards
What is the role of the WTO?
- organisation, founded in 1995, which promotes free trade, ensuring trade flows as freely as possible, + solves trade disputes
What is free trade?
- trade involving the removal of restrictions, such as tariffs, quotas + subsidiaries
- it helps global trade flow smoothly, overcome protectionism + seeks to remove inequalities in trade + unfair practices
Describe how the WTO has been successful in promoting free trade.
- WTO has been overall successful bc avg. tariffs have dec by 90% since GATT was introduced + world trade has been inc at a faster rate than GDP
- it has promoted free trade by lowering restrictions, promoting trade reforms + establishing agreements to facilitate trade
- e.g. WTO has eliminated tariffs on >200 IT products + has resulted in the avg. global tariff rate dec from around 15% in 1995, to 5% in 2023
- it also provides a forum for member countries to negotiate trade agreements, which can lead to a reduction of trade barriers
What are trade disputes?
- disagreements between countries, over products they trade
Describe how the WTO has been successful in resolving trade disputes.
- successful bc members of trade disputes are obligated to not take unilateral action against other members + are expected to resolve dispute through WTO’s dispute-settlement system
- lead to >400 trade disputes being brought to WTO between 1995 to 2011, w < half resulting in the establishment of dispute panels as a large NO° was resolved through discussions between parties
- this helped to avoid trade wars + promoted stability in the global economy
What are the problems of the WTO?
- protectionism is still an issue in some areas, esp in clothing, textiles + agri
- many M/LICs have criticised WTO for being too heavily influenced by the interests of USA + EU, + favouring HICs
- WTO needs to pay more attention to needs of LICs, so it’s easier for them to become involved in world trade
- LICs are pressurised to open their borders immediately to banks, telecommunication companies + other services in HICs
- e.g. India was forced to open its markets = food imports to quadruple, = a sharp dec in prices + rural incomes (e.g. price of coconut has dec by 80%) + foreign imports (e.g. palm old in Malaysia) to undercut local producers