Role of government Flashcards
what is the national government
400 seats – The National Assembly
* Responsible: The general management of Country and residents
What are the 3 branches of the national government
Legislative Branch – Law making, changing and taking
o Executive Branch – President, Deputy, Ministers –
o Judicial Branch – Courts (Constitutional, Supreme, High,
What is the provincial government
Provincial Government
* Leader – Premier
* May develop own law for specific needs.
What is a local government
Local Government / municipalities
* Responsibility: Deliver basic servicesLocal Government / municipalities
* Responsibility: Deliver basic services
What services should the local government carry out
Providing electricity
o Water for households and businesses
o Sewage and sanitation
o Refuge removal
o Firefighting services
o Hospitals
What is the role of government in households
Consumers of households – Employ people from households.
▪ Producer to households – Provide services to households.
What is the role of the government in the economy
More or less same as in households