Role Of Education : Neoliberal And New Right Flashcards
The new right
The new right is a Conservative political view that favourites the marketisation of education.
— The new right argue that the state education system is take a one size fits all approach. The local consumers that use the schools have no say.
— Schools that waste money or get poor results are not answerable to consumers.
— This means lower standards of achievement for pupils, a less qualified workforce and a less prosperous economy.
The New Rights Solution
Marketisation of education
— they believe that competition between schools and empowering consumers will bring greater diversity, choice and efficiency to schools
— this will increase schools ability to meet the needs of pupils, parents and employers
Chubb and Moe : Consumer Choice
They argue that state run education in the United States had failed because it has not created equal opportunity, it was inefficient because it failed to produce pupils with the skills needed and private schools delivered high-quality education due to them being answerable to paying consumers.
— they propose a system in which each family would be given a voucher to spend on bank education of the choice this would force schools to become more responsive and have to compete to attract ‘customers’ by improving their ‘product’
Two roles of the state
— The state imposes a framework on schools within they have to compete, for example publishing OFSTED inspection results and league tables of schools exam results. This gives parents information on how to make a more informed choice between schools
— Secondly the state insures that schools transmit a shared culture they impose a single national curriculum, it seeks to guarantee that schools socialise pupils into a single cultural heritage.
— critics argue that the real cause of low educational standards is not state control but social inequality and inadequate funding of state schools
— marxists argue that education does not impose the shared national culture but imposes a culture of a dominant minority ruling class.
— there is a contradiction between the new right support for parents of choice on the one hand and the state imposing a compulsory national curriculum on all its schools on the other