Rogue Wave Flashcards
Rogue (noun)
A person who is dishonest or immoral; having an abnormal savage or unpredictable disposition.
Billy went ________ when cleaning his room.
Placid (adj.)
Pleasantly calm; peaceful; tranquil
Most dogs are very _______.
Diligent (adj.)
Industrious, hard working, conscientious, meticulous, painstaking
Having or showing care and conscientiousness in ones work or duties.
Bob was very ______ when doing his test.
Maneuver (v.)
To move skillfully
The lion _____ when hunting the rabbit.
Inevitable (adj.)
Impossible to avoid; sure to happen
Thanos thought he was _______!
Tentative (adj.)
Uncertain; not definite or positive; hesitant; experimental
The zebra was very _____ about the alligator.
Vague (adj.)
Not clearly expressed or understood; indistinct
The cat was ______ about the fish tank.
Fruitless (adj.)
Not bearing fruit; useless; unsuccessful
The farmer was _________ this year.
Compelling (adj.)
Having a powerful or irresistible effect; overpowering and cannot be ignored
He was very ___________ to all the girls in class.
Derelict (adj.)
A vessel abandoned in open water by its crew without any hope or intention of returning; anything or anyone that is neglected and abandoned.
The boat was ________.