Rogerian Theory Flashcards
The Phenomenal Field
the only experience we can be aware of is our own, the field that is accessible depends on our situation
-Hungry, think about food
is the process in which our needs our brought to our attention
All behavior is telic
behavior has an aim, which is towards our goals and values
-often current needs
What’s our motive?
Actualization (made with goldstien)
-we all have a basic inclination to fufill our potential
Function of Emotion
Emotions direct us to the actions that are most fulfilling to the organism
-emotions are guides towards self actualization
–VALENCE describes the positive versus negative qualities of an emotion
–INTENSITY of emotions have low and high intensities
Organismic Valuing Process
We set values to our behaviors that will maintain the self
-we know whats good for us
Rogers big question
How is it possible for everyone to fall out of loop with their organismic valuing process? It gets confused as we reach adulthood and makes us not in touch with our emotions.
Three Components of Self
That are adequately symbolized
Immediate personal control over
Movement towards actualization is part of self
Rogers on Love
Love is basic and we have an innate need to love and be loved
-need for positive regard
-Unconditional/Conditional positive regard
-Conditional positive regard leads us to distort ourselves to be lovable
-Conditional positive regard can lead us introjection which is where we adopt our parent values
Maladjustment as incongruence
-Incongruence is the mismatch between actualization of organism and actualization of self
-Congruence is ideal and where the person is full of positive energy
Fully Functioning Person
- Mental health is the fully functional person
- More deep in our relationships with others
Person Centered Psychotherapy
- The clients own phenomenol field is the starting point for the psych
- Assumption of an actualizing tendency
- Climate must be “absent of threat”
- Agape – you must really love your client in a good way (want you to fuful potentials)
Three conditions for good climate
1.Unconditional positive regard – we accept all the clients feelings and experiences, but does not accept all behavior
2.Empathy – the most important ingredient, the part of therapist for them to empathize with the client to accurately get a sense for how the other person feels.
3.Genuiness – therapist congruence, the therapist is real with their experience and is real with themselves and does not wear a mask
Therapeutic Tequineque
1.Reflective listening
o Content mirroring sticking with content
o Affect mirroring is reflecting the feeling
o Amplifying is where we bump up the emotion
2.Trust in the client
o Must believe that they want to head to actualization
* Why is this all so difficult? Because we have our own problems and want to take others unpleasant experiences from others.
Play Internalizes and Externalizers
- Internalizes have unwanted thoughts feelings and memories that become repressed that cause neurosis. We must allow play and full expression to those feelings
- Externalizers have a hard time controlling their actions. All feelings are to be prized however not all behaviors are acceptable.
-Therapists teach limits. Limits are genuine rather than arbitrary