Rocky Shore Flashcards
Abiotic factor
A physical factor of the environment
Biotic Factor
Living factors in an environment
Ecological Niche
An organisms way of life and the adaptations it posesses to survive in its environment
Abiotic factor
Air exposure which is influenced by 3 tide zones
Biotic factor
Competition occurs as organisms compete for space so may push each other out of tide zones
Creatures in the low tide zone
Experience low levels of air exposure
Creatures in the mid tide zone
Experience moderate levels of air exposure
Creatures in the high tide zone
Experience high levels of air exposure
To Experience high levels of air exposure resulting in extreme dryness leading to lack of food and nutrients meaning that life processes shut down and therefore death
Realized v fundamental niche of starfish
Fundamental:LTZ Realised:LTZ
Realized v fundamental niche of oyster
Realised:MTZ Fundamental:LTZ, MTZ
Realised v fundamental niche of barnacle
Realised:HTZ fundamental:LTZ, MTZ, HTZ
Fundamental Niche
The niche that organisms can occupy
Realised Niche
The portion of the fundamental niche that a species actually occupies
What must be stated
The zonation of the species
Gauses principal
Two different species cannot occupy the same ecological niche otherwise they would be in direct competiton with one another(compete for the same resources).One of the species will then have to move, adapt or die out. This is because no 2 species with the same ecological niche can co exist
How often does the tide go in and out
2 times a day
the pattern of distribution
the division of a habitat into horizontal
bands that experience similar abiotic conditions
due to a constant change of an abiotic factor
Kite graphs are always measured from
the HWM
Catseye Factors
- Turbo Samargda
- Grazer
- Low Tide Zone
- Operculum which closes over their shell and seals in water to prevent dessication
- Muscular foot to move +find algae, Radula rough ribbon structure lined with teeth to scrape algae
Chiton Factors
- Chiton pelliserpentis
- Grazer
- MId Tide Zone
- Have a home scar which is grinded to the rock and seals tightly to reduce water loss+secrete a layer of mucus to help further seal to rock
- Muscular foot to move +find algae, Radula rough ribbon like structure lined with teeth to scrape algae
Cushion Star factors
- Patiriella regularis
- Carnivore
- Low Tide Zone
- Tiny tube feet which results in a behaviour of crawling under rocks and into rock pools to avoid air exposure and reduce water loss.
- Thousands of sticky feet which secrete fluid to pull open shells, Squeezes the stomach out of the mouth to cover prey+digest outside
Oyster Borer Factors
- Haustrum scobina
- Carnivore
- Mid Tide Zone
- An operculum whihc closes to seal a small amount of seawater inside to prevent dessication
- Mobile, sharp radula which drills into shell + acidic saliva to dissolve shell.
Barnacle factors
- Chamaesipho columna
- Filter feeder
- High Tide Zone
- White shell which reflects sunlight and reduces water evaporation+Can lower their metabolic rate and close their shells which traps water inside.
- Feathery legs that move through water to trap nutrients and bring food to mouth
Oyster factors
- Crassostrea glometara
- Filter feeder
- Mid tide zone
- White shell which reflects sunlight and reduces water evaporation+Grow in clusters to prevent round sun exposure
- Rows of cilia which is hair like and create a current to draw in nutrients, mucus on the gills which trap nutrients and carry to the mouth
Where both organisms benefit