What is the lithosphere?
The lithosphere is the upper surface layer and consists of the crust and upper mantle.
What is the continental crust?
The continental crust is made up of less dense, granitic rock due to the presence of silica and oxygen and is 35 to 70km thick on average.
What is the oceanic crust?
The oceanic crust is made up of more dense basaltic rock with iron and magnesium and is on average 6 to 10km thick.
What is the convection current theory of the way in which tectonic plates move?
The convection current theory states that plates move due to convection currents in the Earth’s interior.
Intense heat from radioactive decay in the earth’s core causes molten rock in the mantle to move in a convection cell.
A convection cell is the pattern where the heated material rises near to the surface, cools, and then sinks back down into the mantle where it is again heated and the cell repeats in a cycle.
This pattern creates convection currents in the mantle and these currents are what drive the movement of tectonic plates.
Describe divergent (constructive) plate boundaries.
These boundaries occur where two tectonic plates are moving away from eachother. Magma wells up and fills the gap created by the separating plates in the process of sea-floor spreading.
What is the dragging theory of the way in which tectonic plates move?
The dragging theory states that the plates are dragged or subducted by their oldest edge. Plates are hot at constructive plate boundaries but they cool as they move away. As the cold plates are subducted at convergent boundaries, pressure causes the rock to change and become heavier thus pulling the plate along behind it.
What is the process of sea-floor spreading?
Sea-floor spreading occurs at divergent (constructive) plate boundaries where the two plates are moving apart and magma rises to fill the gap between them. As the plates move slowly away from each other, heat from the mantle’s convection currents makes the crust more plastic and less dense. The less-dense material rises, forming a mid-ocean ridge.
What are mid-ocean ridges?
Mid-ocean ridges are formed at divergent (constructive) plate boundaries where new lithosphere is created through sea floor spreading. They are giant submarine mountain chains with a total length of over 60 000km. They are 1000-4000km wide and have crests 2-3km high above the surrounding ocean basins which are 5km deep.
Describe transform (conservative) plate boundaries.
Transform or conservative boundaries occur where two plates are sliding horizontally past each other.
Describe convergent (destructive) plate boundaries.
These plate boundaries occur when an oceanic plate collides with another plate - either oceanic or continental - and subduction occurs. The oceanic plate is much denser than the other plate and so is pushed down beneath it into the upper mantle. This is where the oceanic crust is destroyed in the Benioff zone.
Describe convergent (collision) plate boundaries.
This plate boundary occurs when two continental plates meet and a powerful collision occurs. Both plates have a much lower density than the mantle, which prevents subduction. The intense compression and folding and buckling results in the formation of large chains of fold mountains.
What is subduction?
Subduction occurs at convergent (destructive) boundaries where the ocean plate meets either an oceanic or continental plate and is pushed beneath it into the upper mantle.
What is biological weathering?
What does vadose mean?
Vadose = relating to or denoting underground water above the water table.
What does phreatic mean?
Phreatic = relating to or denoting underground water in the zone of saturation (beneath the water table).