Rock and mineral vocab Flashcards
A naturally occurring inorganic element or compound having an orderly internal structure and characteristic chemical composition, crystal form, and physical properties.
the solid mineral material forming part of the surface of the earth and other similar planets, exposed on the surface or underlying the soil or oceans.
. Element
In chemistry, an element is a pure substance consisting only of atoms that all have the same numbers of protons in their nuclei.
Compound is an algorithmic, autonomous interest rate protocol built for developers, to unlock a universe of open financial applications.
a piece of a homogeneous solid substance having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces.
Color - usually 1st characteristic noticed about a mineral, but generally not reliable
Generally, color alone is not the best tool in identification because color can be highly variable.
a gentle sheen or soft glow, especially that of a partly reflective surface.
a long, thin line or mark of a different substance or color from its surroundings.
a sharp division; a split.
Causes of bone fractures include trauma, overuse, and diseases that weaken bones.
The density, of a substance is its mass per unit volume
Ore is a deposit in Earth’s crust of one or more valuable minerals.
Metallic minerals
These deposits can consist of a variety of metallic minerals containing valuable metals such as nickel (pentlandite), copper (chalcopyrite), zinc (sphalerite), lead (galena) and gold (occurs as a native element or as a minor constituent within other minerals) that are used in all aspects of our daily lives.
. Non-metallic minerals
Nonmetallic minerals are, for example, sand, gravel, limestone, clay, and marble
a precious or semiprecious stone, especially one cut, polished, and used in a piece of jewelry.
Igneous rock
Igneous rock (derived from the Latin word ignis meaning fire), or magmatic rock, is one of the three main rock types, the others being sedimentary and metamorphic.
. Sedimentary rock
Sedimentary rocks are types of rock that are formed by the accumulation or deposition of mineral or organic particles at Earth’s surface, followed by cementation.
Metamorphic rock
Metamorphic rocks arise from the transformation of existing rock to new types of rock, in a process called metamorphism.