Robert's Rule of Order Flashcards
Introduce a new item
a. Subsidiary
b. Privilege
c. Main
Main Motions
Change of affect how to handle a main motion (vote on this before main motion)
a. Privilege
b. Main
c. Subsidiary
Subsidiary Motions
Urgent or important matter unrelated to pending business
a. Privileged
b. Subsidiary
c. Incidental
Privileged Motions
Questions procedure of other motions (must consider before the other motions)
a. Incidental
b. Main
c. Subsidiary
Incidental Motions
“I move to introduce…”
a. Majority
b. 2/3
c. Chair
Majority Vote
“I move to amend the motion by II (add or strike words or both)”
a. 2/3
b. Majority
c. Chair
“I move that we refer the matter to committee.”
a. Chair
b. 2/3
c. Majority
“I move to postpone the matter until…”
a. No Vote
b. Majority
c. 2/3
“I move the previous question.” (End Debate)
a. Majority
b. 2/3
c. Chair
“Point of order.” (Object to Procedure)
a. Chair
b. Majority
c. No Vote
Chair Decision
“I move that we recess until…”
a. 2/3
b. Majority
c. Chair
“I move to adjourn the meeting.”
a. Majority
b. 2/3
c. No Vote
“Point of information.” (Request Information)
a. No Vote
b. Majority
c. Chair
No Vote
“I move to overrule the chair’s ruling.”
a. 2/3
b. Chair
c. Majority
“I move to extend the time by ___ minutes.”
a. 2/3
b. Majority
c. Chair
Point of order.” (Enforce Rules / Point Out Incorrect Procedure)
a. Chair
b. No Vote
c. Majority
No Vote
“I move to table…”
a. Majority
b. 2/3
c. No Vote
“I call for a division.” (Verify Voice Vote with Count)
a. Majority
b. No Vote
c. Chair
No Vote
I object to consideration of this matter…”
a. 2/3
b. Majority
c. Chair
“I move to take from the table…”
a. Majority
b. 2/3
c. Chair
I move to reconsider our action to…”
a. Majority
b. 2/3
c. No Vote
“I move to suspend the rules and consider…”
a. 2/3
b. No Vote
c. Majority
“I move to go into executive session.” (Close the Meeting)
a. Majority
b. 2/3
c. Chair
“Point of privilege” (Personal Preferences - noise, room temperature, distractions)
a. Majority
b. 2/3
c. No Vote
No Vote
The order of precedence from highest ranking to lowest ranking
a. Subsidiary, Privilege, Main
b. Privilege, Subsidiary, Main
c. Privilege, Main, Subsidiary
Privilege, Subsidiary, Main
Name the Privileged Motion
a. Adjourn, Recess, Question of privilege
b. Lay on the table, Previous Question, Limit or extend debate, Postpone to a certain time, Commit or refer, Amend, Postpone indefinitely
c. Adjourn, Question of privilege, Recess
Adjourn, Recess, Question of privilege
6 type of Motions
- Main
- Subsidiary
- Privileged
- Incidental
- Motion to Table
- Motion to Postpone
An example of a Subsidiary Motion is:
a. Adjourning a meeting
b. Questioning a privilege
c. Postponing to a certain time
Postponing to a certain time
____________ motions bring an item of business to the body for consideration. It can only be made when no other motion is pending and ranks lowest in the order of precedence of motions
a. Subsidiary
b. Incidental
c. Main
During the Med Exec meeting, you wish to Register a Complaint, you say:
a. I challenge the process
b. I rise to a question of privilege
c. I ask for a postponement
I rise to a question of privilege
What type of vote is needed to Close a Debate?
a. 2/3
b. Majority
c. The Chair determines when to close a debate
_____ do not relate to the pending business but have to do with special matters of immediate importance that should be allowed to interrupt the consideration of anything else.
a. Main motion
b. Subsidiary motion
c. Privileged motion
Privileged motion
Some medical staff committees will allow a meeting to be called to order without a _______ but will not take action on any issues until the Quorum is present.
a. Chair
b. Medical Staff Professional (MSP)
c. Quorum
What motion is defined as pending business but have to do with special matters of immediate importance that should be allowed to interrupt the consideration of anything else.
a. Main Motion
b. Privileged Motion
c. Incidental Motion
Privileged Motion
______ is the number or proportion of the members that must be present in order to transact business.
a. Majority
b. Quorum
c. Whole
____________ motions assist the body in considering or disposing of a main motion?
a. Subsidiary
b. Incidental
c. Privileged
Which one of the following is not a privileged motion?
a. Question of privilege
b. Lay on the table
c. Adjourn
Lay on the table
What kind of motion has no order of precedence and arises incidentally and decided immediately?
a. Main Motion
b. Incidental Motion
c. Privileged Motion
Incidental Motion
Which is NOT a Subsidiary Motion?
a. Adjourn
b. Postpone Indefinitely
c. Amend
Motions that bring about a question do not quite fit under the categories of the Parliamentary Motions Guide and can only be made:
a. While no other business is pending
b. To assist the body in disposing of a main motion
c. When the motion last proposed is considered and disposed of first
While no other business is pending
Robert’s Rules of Order — 11th Edition (RONR) is the most widely used parliamentary manual in the United States, with various versions used by approximately 80% of organizations. The second most commonly used parliamentary authority is:
a. The New Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, which is used by approximately 15%
b. Demeter’s Manual of Parliamentary Law and Procedure, used by about 5% of groups
c. Sturgis’s Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, percentage if use not stated
The New Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, which is used by approximately 15%
Parliamentary law protects the rights of the _____________, while assuring the will of the ___________.
a. Majority, Minority
b. Minority, Majority
c. Patients, Doctors
Minority, Majority
Which of the below is the most widely used parliamentary manual in the United States?
a. Demeter’s Manual of Parliamentary Law and Procedure
b. The New Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure
c. Robert’s Rules of Order
Robert’s Rules of Order
A motion to “Amend” falls under what type of motion?
a. Main
b. Privileged
c. Subsidiary
Most groups formally adopt written rules of parliamentary procedure. How is this accomplished for the medical staff?
a. Adopting a bylaws provision specified manual of parliamentary law and edition be the authority
b. Once quorum is established, take a majority vote
c. Medical Executive Committee in conjunction with medical director decides
Adopting a bylaws provision specified manual of parliamentary law and edition be the authority
_____ do not relate to the pending business but have to do with special matters of immediate importance that should be allowed to interrupt the consideration of anything else.
a. Main Motion
b. Subsidiary Motion
c. Privileged Motion
Privileged Motion
What is the precedence of Motions?
a. Main Motion, Secondary Motion, Privileged Motion
b. Privileged Motion, Incidental Motion, Main Motion
c. Privileged Motion, Subsidiary Motion, Main Motion
Privileged Motion, Subsidiary Motion, Main Motion