Robbins Chapter 9 Flashcards
What is the single leading global cause for health loss?
What 3 global complications have increased and what 2 have decreased?
Inc. = CV disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS/TB
Dec. = neonatal conditions, diarrhea/lower respiratory infections
What environmental conditions inc. risk of:
- CV, cerebrovascular, respiratory diseases
- gastroenteritis, cholera
- vector-borne infectious diseases
- heatwaves and air pollution
- flood contamination and disrupted clean water supply
- inc. temp, crop failures
What decreases CYP activity?
fasting and starvation
Ozone (Outdoor Air Pollutant)
free radicals injure respiratory tract epi/type 1 alveolar
release inflammatory mediators
- dangerous for asthma/emphysema pts
Sulfur Dioxide (Outdoor Air Pollutant)
“Witches Brew” –> combine w/ozone, particulate matter
from fossil fuel burning, copper smelting, paper mills
sulfuric acid/trioxide = burning sensation in nose/throat
Particulate Matter (Outdoor Air Pollutant)
pulmonary inflammation/secondary CV effects
particles < 10 um get into alveoli = inflammatory release
Carbon Monoxide and how it works on bodies
CNS depression (basal ganglia/lenticular nuclei); 200x greater affinity for Hb (60%-70% sat. = DEATH
rapid death = NO morphological changes
long term survival = edema, hemorrhages, neuronal changes
cherry-red skin and mucous membranes
Indoor Air Pollutants
- Wood Smoke
- Bioaerosols
- Radon
- Formaldehyde
- Sick Building Syndrome
- polycyclic hydrocarbons
- leginnaires dz, viral pneumonia
- radioactive gas = INC. LUNG CANCER RISK
- building material, poorly ventilated trailers
- black mold from damp homes
Where is Lead poisoning acquired and what changes can it cause in both KIDS and ADULTS?
KIDS: paint chips, contaminated soil
- severe brain damage (low Pb lvls)
- behavioral problems, hyperactivity, poor organizer
ADULTS: tin cans, battery maker, car radiators
- peripheral neuropathies
- foot drop and wrist drop
Lead Lines: gums and metaphyses, hypochromic microcytic anemia (MCV<80), basophilic stippling, ring sideroblasts (iron laden macrophages)
Lead Colic: severe, poorly localized abdominal pain
Mercury Poisoning and Minimata Disease
- damages CNS and kidney
- main source: contaminated FISH, mercury vapors (dental amalgams)
Minimata Disease: cerebral Palsy, blindness, CNS
Arsenic Poisoning
interfere w/cellular metabolism (GI TRACT, CNS, heart)
2-8 wks: sensorimotor neuropathy, paresthesia, numbness; MEES LINES on nails
hyperpigmentation/hyperkeratosis of palms/soles
Cadmium Poisoning and Itai-Itai
toxic to Kidneys and Lungs (batteries, soil, plants)
renal tubular damage, skeleton abnormalities
Itai-Itai: osteoporosis and osteomalacia w/renal dz
What 3 things can cause Respiratory Fibrosis? (SAC)
silica, asbestos, cobalt
What causes leukemia and liver angiosarcoma?
Leukemia = BENZENE (rubber workers)
- marrow aplasia, acute myeloid leukemia
- 30 yo with 80 yo bones
Liver Angiosarcoma = Vinyl Chloride
Where 2 cancers are Polycyclic Hydrocarbons associated with?
lung and bladder cancer (scrotal cancer in chimney sweeps)