Rob cards Flashcards
Genetics of GBM
1) EGFR amplification/mutation indicates primary GBM
2) Tumor protein 53 most common mutated gene in GBM
3) IDH1 and IDH2 mutations are good prognostic indicators
4) MGMT promoter methylation results in improved response to alkalating agents like TMZ
Enhancing lesions
Metastases Toxo ----> check HIV Lymphoma MS Glioma Infection
MS workup and treatment
- CSF sent for cell count, glucose, protein, culture, PCR for HSV/VZV, EBV, CMV
- CSF sent for oligoclonal bands, myelin basic protein (MBP), IgG index
- Serum neuromyelitis optica (NMO) and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) antibodies.
- Serum HIV test
- IV Methylprednisone 1000mg daily x5 days
Nerve Transfer for postop C5 palsy
Spinal accessory to suprascapular nerve transfer to reanimate supraspinatous and infraspinatous
Branch of the radial nerve from triceps to the axillary nerve to reinnervate the deltoid
Ulnar branch to musculocutaneous branch to help with biceps
SRS dosing
24 grey single fraction for 1cm
18 grey for 2cm
14-15 grey for 3cm or bigger
AVM: 24 grey
Acoustics-12-16 grey single fraction
Barbiturate coma
Pentobarbital 10mg/kg load over 30 minutes THEN 5 mg/kg/hr x3 doses THEN 1mg/kg/hr
Devic syndrome
Same thing as NMO
Variant of MS with acute bilateral optic neuritis and transverse myelitis (extending over 3 levels).
Spinal cord edema can be so severe as to cause complete blockade
Less chance of recovery compared to MS
Serum IgG antibodies (NMO-IgG) help differentiate from MS
Schilling Test
Determines cause of B12 deficiency even if B12 injections have already been given
Radiolabeled cyanobalamin is given orally, followed by a parenteral flushing dose of nonradioactive vitamin, and the percentage of radioactivity is measured in the urine over 24 hours
Pheochromocytoma Labs
1) Fractionated plasma metanephrines
2) 24 hr urine collection of total cathecholamines and metanephrines
3) When elevation is found, clonidine suppression test can be done. With a pheo, no change noted with clonidine
MRI appearance of arachnoid vs epidermoid vs dermoid
Arachnoid cyst: same intensity as CSF on all MRI sequences
Epidermoid cyst: high signal on DWI differentiates from arachnoid cyst
Dermoid cyst: high intensity on T1 similar to fat
Foramen Magnum lesions notable presenting symptoms
“Rotating paralysis”: weakness usually ipsilateral UE —> ipsilateral LE —–> contralateral LE —–> contralateral UE
Aching neck pain with head movement
Long tract signs (hyperreflexia and spasticity)
Pituitary Labs
TSH, Free T4, Prolactin, FSH, LH, Cortisol, ACTH, IGF-1, GH, Testosterone
Diagnosis of DI
Urine output >250cc/hr x 3 hours
Serum Na >145
Urine spec grav <1.005
Also, urine/plasma osmolality ratio <1
MRI perfusion for recurrent GBM
Cerebral blood volume!!!
>2.6 mL blood/gram of tissue = tumor
<0.6 mL blood/gram of tissue = radiation necrosis
Air embolus signs
Drop in end tidal CO2
Increase in end tidal nitrogen and PaCO2
Hypotension, tachycardia (like hypovolemia), cardiac arrryhtmias
Air embolus treatment
Reverse Trend position Apply gentle compression over sinus with sheets of thrombin soaked Gelfoam and large Cottonoid pads. Flood field with saline Pack wound with saline-soaked sponges Wax bone edges Inspect for large rent
Anesthesiologist: Turn off nitrous oxide Give 100% oxygen Aspirate air from central line Give volume Consider left lateral decub position
Hyponatremia eval
- Serum osmolality, Urine osmolality, Urine sodium
- Urine sodium low —> sodium depletion suspected. ex- diuretics, vomiting, diarrhea, ascites, NG tube
- Urine sodium high, poor renal function —> pathologic sodium loss in urine. ex- chronic renal failure
- Urine sodium high, good renal function—> SIADH or cerebral salt wasting
SIADH: intravascular volume increased
-Treatment: volume restriction; less than 1L 24 hours + Na tabs
CSW: intravascular volume decreased
-Treatment: colloid infusion with Albumisol