Roadmap-1 Flashcards
This is most easily accomplished by doing problems yourself.
прил.** завершённый**
Even a friend who is not studying for the GMAT can help you by quizzing you with flash cards and keeping you accountable to your study schedule.
*прил. *ответственный
**acknowledged **
It is universally acknowledged to be the only way to get these questions right.
прил. признанный
*This does not mean that you will be pulling all-nighters or living in the library. *
*сущ. ; разг. *подготовка к занятиям на протяжении всей ночи
It’s not that hard to adjust your lifestyle to produce the opposite effect.
гл. приводить в порядок
Be sure to schedule in at least one stress-_alleviating_ activity each week, whether it’s a long run or dinner with friends.
гл. облегчать
**allot **
In order to complete the GMAT in the allotted time.
гл. предоставлять
*We don’t want to explain the information, amplify the points that have been made, or “back the author up.” *
*гл. *развивать (мысль)
[‘æplɪkəbl], [ə’plɪ-]
Make decisions that is very applicable to the GMAT.
прил. подходящий
If you have set “appointments” to study, do homework, and take practice tests, you’ll be less likely to procrastinate and fall behind.
сущ. предписание
*Look at the assignment you have earmarked for
the following week. *
- назначение
- задание
- командировка
Assign only “makeup work” to your last study session of the week—trust us: there’ll be plenty of it to do.
- гл.
1) устанавливать
2) поручать (задание, работу)
3) назначать на должность
- сущ. ; юр.
[ə’səusɪətɪv], [-ʃɪətɪv]
Intuition is associative thinking, which is fast and relies on shortcuts like pattern matching.
прил. сочетательный
**assume **
Even that last one is a stretch, because we are assuming that Lothar has a biggest fan.
гл. допускать
at a clip
- In fact, your study sessions should never exceed two hours at a clip.*
** за один раз**
Teaching someone else is a very effective method of deeply mastering material— as every Manhattan GMAT instructor will attest.
гл. заверять
*You can quickly ballpark what an answer has to be and catch any silly mistakes. *
разг. примерная или грубая оценка
I feel so blessed!
*прил. *благословенный
Needless to say, after the test I had $100 to blow at the bar, celebrating!
гл. транжирить
The bribe: a day at a nearby amusement park when the test was over.
сущ. взятка
I had never even heard of Manhattan GMAT but most reviews pointed them out as the best of the bunch.
- *сущ. *связка
- гл. = bunch up сбиваться в кучу
My carpool group was great.
сущ. договорённость между автовладельцами (друзьями или соседями) о том, чтобы по очерёди использовать свои автомобили для общих нужд
carve out
[kɑːv’ aut]
The first thing to think about is carving out time.
фраз. гл. урывать
Anything distracting or catchy is counterproductive and will cause you to be less efficient.
прил. броский
Most students work long hours during the week, and fill their evenings with friend time or chores around the house.
сущ.** рутинная работа**
*It worked—my kids even did extra chores! *
сущ.** неприятная работа**
And whattypes of study fit best into small chunks of time?
сущ.. разг. кусок
Rather, it is very much a test of analyzing clues in problems.
сущ. нить
I would make dinner dates with friends and then coerce them into helping me study.
гл. принуждать
Remember to commit to good study habits, study at your own pace, and most of all remember that it’s only a foolish test.
*гл. *вверять
Make a commitment to get eight hours of sleep per night if that’s what you need.
сущ.** обязанность**
Modern psychologists have concluded something rather commonsensical and practical, though: the best problem solvers use both of these styles of thinking.
*прил. *соответствующий здравому смыслу
**commute **
WHEN: During the Commute
- сущ. ; разг.*
- *расстояние, преодолеваемое во время ежедневных поездок из пригорода в город** (обычно на работу)
Spend too much time group studying and you may end up extremely competent in some areas.
*прил. *осведомлённый
Various studies list serious consequences of sleep deprivation such as: poor digestion, a compromised immune system.
- сущ*. компрометация
- гл.* компрометировать
подвергать риску
Various studies list serious consequences of sleep deprivation such as: increased stress hormones, poor digestion, a compromised immune system.
сущ. (по)следствие
Taken alone, Critical Reasoning inference problems don’t constitute a big part of your GMAT experience.
гл. составлять
I was not going to get into a top program, and I have a somewhat nonconventional opinion on the MBA degree that just forced me to forget about it.
прил. общепринятый
And while the questions may look simple at first glance, the answer choices tend to be convoluted, obscure, and seemingly different from anything mentioned in the passage.
- прил.*
1) свёрнутый спиралью
2) запутанный
- [ˌkauntəprə’dʌktɪv]*
- Anything distracting or catchy is counterproductive and will cause you to be less efficient.*
*прил. *приводящий к обратным результатам
I also like that I dont have to cram all of my study into long blocks at night or on the weekend.
*гл. *(cram into) впихивать,
That type of cramming is not particularly efficient or even effective for the GMAT.
сущ. ; разг. зубрёжка
Studying, like exercising, needs to be done regularly, so it’s critical to set specific study times and stick to them.
прил. решающий
cross out
*We have to cross this one out. *
фраз. гл. вычёркивать (слова, строчки в тексте)
[‘kruːəlɪ], [‘kruəlɪ]
Missing less of the free time the GMAT has cruelly entrenched upon.
нареч.** безжалостно**
I’ve seen too many students use note-taking as a crutch.
сущ. костыль
*At first she thought it was a joke, but once I offered her a 30-minute extension on her weekend-night curfew as payment, she was all in! *
сущ. **время, после которого ребёнку не разрешается быть вне дома **
**cull **
Imagine you read this paragraph, culled from Wikipedia.
гл. отбирать
I dare you to write notes for that paragraph that capture all of the relevant details you might be asked on the test.
держу пари, ты не пишешь
All of this may make RC sound pretty darn easy.
- нареч.; преим. амер.; разг.; эвф. для damn; = darned*
- *чертовски**
Below is my debrief:
- гл. выслушивать доклад или отчёт
- сущ. разбор (ситуации)
*You should have only two types of modes: high-focus or decompressing. *
гл. амер.; разг. расслабляться
[‘delɪgət], [‘delɪgeɪt]
- If you’ve spent the past few years _delegating _your arithmetic to Excel, you should practice doing arithmetic by hand.*
1. [‘delɪgət] *сущ. *делегат
2. [‘delɪgeɪt] гл. делегировать
He made much more progress afterwards, studying in two 4-hour sessions and deliberately planning something fun in between.
нареч.** преднамеренно**
Imagine the passage is about chlorofluorocarbons, the organic compounds that were once responsible for ozone depletion.
сущ. истощение
**deprivation **
Various studies list serious conse quences of sleep deprivation such as: increased stress hormones, poor digestion, a compromised immune system.
сущ.** лишение**
Low-carbohydrate diets are especially detrimental to brain function.
прил. ; книжн. пагубный
**diminishing **
Excessively long study periods overload your brain and have diminishing margins of return.
прил. уменьшающийся
Lothar has some ability to discern his boss’s opinions.
гл. разгадать
A true expert will recognize even disguised versions of the “difference of squares” pattern and make the connections necessary to solve problems that do not, on the surface at least, even look like the algebra problems where he or she first learned the pattern.
прил. замаскированный
RC again revolves around the distinction between reading and comprehension.
сущ. различие
Thereby tying the two distinct types of reasoning together.
прил. отдельный
There should be no texting or TV distracting you while you study.
гл. отвлекать
down time
You should also be sure to separate your study time from your down time.
сущ. простой
So, being young, dumb, and in over my head with these guys, I followed the crowd.
1) беззвучный
2) заглушённый
3) разг.; преим. амер. глупый - гл.
заставить замолчать
**drill **
*I carry my Foundations of Math book with me everywhere and do drills whenever I had downtime at work. *
сущ. подготовка,
- Look at the assignment you have _earmarked for _the following week. *
- сущ.
отличительная черта
- гл.
1) выделять каким-либо знаком
2) (earmark for) предназначать (для какой-либо цели, особенно деньги)
*RC passages generally have either an opinionated point to make (a thesis) or else a simple topic. *
*союз *или (часть союза either … or …)
[ɪm’bærəst], [em-]
- I was completely crushed, embarrassed, and just gave up on the MBA idea.*
прил. сконфуженный
[ɪn’geɪʤ], [en-]
Although babies recognize patterns, most people do not develop the ability to engage in rule-based, step-by-step reasoning until they are somewhere between 7 and 11 years old.
гл. привлекать
[ɪn’lɪst], [en-]
Many of my students enlist their friends, spouses/significant others, and even children to help.
*гл. *вербовать на военную службу
[ɪn’trenʧt], [en-]
Missing less of the free time the GMAT has cruelly entrenched upon.
прил. ; = intrenched** укреплённый траншеями**
He was evaluated as unfit for military service.
гл. оценивать
[ɪk’sesɪv], [ek-]
Excessively long study periods overload your brain and have diminishing margins of return.
прил. чрезмерный
[‘eksɪkjuːt], [-sək-]
Figure out how to deal with weird little problem quirks, and execute solving processes accurately.
гл. реализовывать