RO1: Chapter 3 Flashcards
What is the major difference in the taxation of limited companies and unincorporated businesses?
Limited companies = Pay neither income or capital gains tax, they only pay corporation tax on profits and gains
Unincorporated companies = Pay income and capital gains tax
What events will normally revoke an ordinary Power of Attorney (POA)?
- Death
- Bankruptcy
- Mentally Incapable
What POA enables a person to carry on on being a POA for the donor in the event of them being mentally incapable?
Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA)
What must a donor do to enable a attorney to be a EPA in the event of them being mentally incpable?
Must be established before the donor becomes mentally incapable
What is a lasting POA?
This was introduced as a agreement where the donor may give the attorney power to make decisions about their personal health and welfare as well as their property and financial affairs.
Are contracts made by someone with a mental health condition invalid?
No, although if they do not understand what they are signing and the other party is aware of this it will then be invalid.
What is a ‘invitation to treat’?
This is where you invite someone to make a offer.
Under the law of agency, who does an IFA owe a duty of care to? their client or the insurer?
Their client.
What is joint ownership?
This is where two people own a property (or other types of assets) equally.
What is joint tenancy?
This is where two individuals own the property and neither can sell without the others agreement. When the other person passes away they will inherit the property. (Suitable for spouse/civil partners)
What is tenancy in common?
This is where each owner holds their share separately (does not need to be equal). This is most suitable for friends living together who do not want equal share etc.
What is a shared ownership?
This is where the individual has shares in part of the property and the other half is owned by the house association. They can eventually by the whole property from the house association.
What does staircasing mean?
increasing shares in a property until 100%
A court will only consider a petition for bankruptcy where a creditor is owed at least how much?
£5,000.00 (Or a share or debt totalling £5,000.00 between creditors)
What are the 3 things that are required for a Will to exist?
- Must be in writing
- The Will must be signed by the testator (person making the Will)
- Attestation (The signature must be witnessed by 2 or more people when the Will is signed)
Who has the legal ownership of trust property?
The Trustees
What type of trust is most life offices’ standard trust?
Power of Appointment Trust
What are the three certainties required to create a trust?
- Words (To show a trust is intended)
- Object (Beneficiaries)
- Subject (Subject matter must be certain)
What is a sole trader?
This is a person who solely controls their own business and are liable for the debts of the business.
How often to Sole Traders pay income tax?
Twice yearly directly to HMRC
What is a partnership?
2 or more individuals who run a business as partners and are self-employed
How do individuals pay tax if they are part of a partnership?
Individuals only pay tax on their share of the business (amount agreed between them)
Who is responsible for the debts and tax in a Partnership?
Each partner has unlimited liability for the trade debts of the partnership, they are solely liable for their own tax.
How are debts managed in a Limited Liability Partnership?
self-employed partners are not liable for the partnership’s debts only their own debts.