RNP RNAV Flashcards
Navigation monitoring includes
Accuracy, Containment Integrity and containment continuity
Which navigational system error is the difference in the actual course between points and the course defined in CAAS?
Path Definition Error, (PDE)
Which source (s) is (are) used to calculate Base RNP?
flight Mode and Leg RNP values
The Predictive RAIM (PRAIM) page provides the capability to enter a destination waypoint and the ETA at that waypoint and display the PRAIM status for a period of +/- ________ minutes of ETA.
The Approach for Reference Only page is displayed only when ___________?
only when the selected approach is an ILS, Localizer only, Localizer/Backcourse, LDA, or SDF approach.
(a) The Approach for Reference Only page will also be displayed if the database attribute indicates the procedure is not authorized for GPS or FMS overlay or procedure overlay is not authorized or unspecified.
The altitude at which the crew desires to be at when exiting a Standard Instrument Departure (SID) procedure is called a departure ___________ Altitude.
Which advisory is displayed when transitioning from Military mode to Civil Mode?
Which caution is displayed when the navigation solution error (ANP) exceeds the warning limit (RNP)?
What is the page selection to access the DEPARTURE/ARRIVAL page on the CDU
What does RNP mean?
Required navigation performance
What is one of the CDU pages that the RNP/RNAV page can be accessed?
What is the purpose of the PRAIM page on the CDU?
provides the capability to enter a destination waypoint and the estimated time-of-arrival at the waypoint and display the predictive RAIM status for +-15 mins of the ETA
What is the default setting for OP MODE on the RNP RNAV page?
What is the default setting for GPS TRK MODE on the RNP RNAV page?
Default is MILITARY
What DATUM is always used for OP MODE of CIVIL on the RNP RNAV page?
When the GPS TRK MODE is MILITARY, what are the choices the operator has for constellation type on the GPS navigator page?
When the GPS TRK MODE is CIVIL, what is the constellation type locked to on the GPS navigator page?
What is one of CDU pages that the PRAIM page can be accessed?
What is the purpose of the TERM ALT input for DEPARTURE on the DEPARTURE/ARRIVAL page?
Allows you to access DEPARTURES page after entering ALT when exiting SID (termination altitude)
What is the purpose of the INIT ALT input for ARRIVAL on the DEPARTURE/ARRIVAL page?
Allows you to access ARRIVAL page after entering arrival ALT
What is the purpose of the MSD ALT input for ARRIVAL on the DEPARTURE/ARRIVAL page?
Allows you to access ARRIVAL page after setting max missed ALT
gives you altitude to missed
What does the acronym STARS stand for?
Standard Terminal Arrival Routes (STAR)
What does the acronym SIDS stand for?
Standard Instrument Departure (SID)
What are the three types of SIDs?
(a) Pilot Nav SID
(b) Radar Vector SID
(c) Hybrid SID
As the aircraft transitions from the feeder route to landing, the RNP value decreases from?
2.0 NM (Enroute) to 1.0 NM (terminal) to 0.3 NM (approach)
____________ is the difference in the actual course between points and the course defined in CAAS.
Path Definition Error, (PDE)
_____________ is the error made by the navigation system in the computation of the aircraft position in relation to the actual position.
Navigation System Error, (NSE)
_____________ is the ability of the aircraft guidance system to follow the computed path.
Flight Technical Error, (FTE)
A flight plan discontinuity is a point in the flight plan after which
point in the flight plan after which =no desired path is defined
Discontinuities are entered automatically into the flight plan when entry of a procedure
(i.e. SID, STAR, Approach) or deletion of a leg
causes an indeterminate path between points
Discontinuities can be removed in what four different ways?
Direct to
copying the following point
Changing the sequence mode to auto
The “______________” caution appears when the Active FPLN contains an Instrument Approach Procedure (IAP) that has no altitude constraint value for the Missed Approach Point.
The “_________” advisory displays when GPS RAIM status becomes invalid during an approach.
The “_______________” advisory displays when the EGI indicates a RAIM alarm condition.