RLC SAT Vocabulary 230 with word numbers Flashcards
Apathy (1)
a lack of caring or feelings; indifference
Incongruous (2)
not fitting, unsuitable
Insinuate (3)
to push in or get in in an indirect way; to suggest
Audacity (4)
boldness with a hint of recklessness or disregard
Gregarious (5)
fond of being with others
Egregious (6)
conspicuously bad or offensive
Controversial (7)
open to debate
Complement (8)
something that completes or makes perfect
Fabricate (9)
to make with skill, build or manufacture; to lie
Fabricated (10)
made; concocted in order to deceive
Ambiguous (11)
permitting more than one interpretation
Intransigent (12)
unwilling to agree or compromise
Gravity (13)
Eclectic (14)
selecting the best from various sources
Aberration (15)
a deviation from the path; something abnormal
Parochial (16)
narrow or limited
Provincial (17)
of a province; lacking refinement or polish
Precipitous (18)
very steep
Sacrosanct (19)
very holy, most sacred, consecrated
Paucity (20)
a scarcity or lack
Misanthrope (21)
person who dislikes or distrusts people in general
Philanthropy (22)
love of mankind, act of generosity
Pejorative (23)
tending to make worse; disparaging; deprecatory
Moratorium (24)
a suspension of or delay in the application of a rule, often dealing with payments
Parsimonious (25)
too economical; stingy; miserly
Aversion (26)
a dislike or distaste for something
Inadvertent (27)
lax, careless; without intention
Indifferent (28)
not caring either way; neutral
Objective (29)
without bias
Discriminate (30)
to differentiate; to see the difference
Denounce (31)
to speak out against; to condemn
Innovate (32)
to be creative; to think of something new
Novel (33)
new, original
Disdain (34)
arrogant scorn; contempt
Discernment (35)
insight; ability to see things clearly
Abstract (36)
theoretical; lacking substance
Pragmatic (37)
related to practice as opposed to theory
Eccentric (38)
not conventional; irregular
Idiosyncrasy (39)
a trait or behavior particular to an individual
Benevolent (40)
kind; good-hearted; generous
Pious (41)
reverent or devout (sometimes only outwardly so)
Conciliatory (42)
making peace
Resolute (43)
determined; firm; unwavering
Servile (44)
submissive; subservient; like a slave
Reticent (45)
restrained; uncommunicative (situational)
Taciturn (46)
untalkative (characteristic)
Repudiate (47)
to reject; to deny
Aesthetic (48)
artistic; having to do with artistic beauty
Prodigal (49)
extravagant; wasteful
Incessant (50)
unceasing; never-ending
Plebeian (51)
common, vulgar
Laudable (52)
worthy of praise
Deter (53)
to prevent; to stop with fear
Redundant (54)
repetitive, unnecessary
Infamous (55)
having a bad reputation
Provocative (56)
exciting, attracting attention
Equivocal (57)
having two or more meanings; vague
Advocate (58)
to speak in favor of, to support
Extol (59)
to praise, to lift up
Euphony (60)
pleasant sound
Deride (61)
to ridicule, to laugh at contemptuously
Insipid (62)
without interesting qualities; (of food) bland
Austere (63)
unadorned, stern, severely simple
Expedite (64)
to make faster or easier
Expedient (65)
providing immediate advantage
Clandestine (66)
done in secret
Vacillate (67)
to be indecisive; to waver back and forth
Ambivalent (68)
undecided; hot and cold
Conspicuous (69)
standing out, obvious
Anecdote (70)
brief entertaining story (unpublished)
Profound (71)
deep; insightful
Dissent (72)
Voluntary (73)
willing; unforced
Oracle (74)
an expert believed to a quasi-religious degree
Didactic (75)
instructive; intended to teach
Disparate (76)
different; incompatible
Disparage (77)
to belittle; to speak unkindly
Compliant (78)
yielding; submissive
Prosaic (79)
dull; unimaginative
Florid (80)
flowery or elaborate (speech)
Fastidious (81)
meticulous; with attention to detail
Belligerent (82)
combative; quarrelsome
Astute (83)
perceptive; intelligent
Elaborate (84)
detailed; careful; thorough
Censure (85)
to condemn severely
Mitigate (86)
to lessen the severity
Engender (87)
to create or produce
Exemplary (88)
outstanding; setting a good example
Relegate (89)
to banish; to send away
Negligence (90)
Fallacious (91)
Acclaim (92)
praise; applause; admiration