Rivalry with Spain abroad Flashcards
Why did England and Spain have good relations at the start of Elizabeth’s reign?
Marriage alliances (Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon / Philip II married to Mary) and fought together against France in 1550s
Who controlled the Netherlands?
Spain / Philip II
Why were the Netherlands important to England?
English exports to Europe were vital to the English economy – went through Dutch ports like Antwerp (in the Netherlands).
Which port in the Netherlands was vital to England’s exports?
Which countries did Philip II rule over?
Spain, Portugal, parts of Italy and the Netherlands. He also had an empire in North and South America and Asia (Philippines)
Give two reasons why there was political rivalry between England and Spain?
Spanish ambassadors were involved or linked to the Throckmorton plot
Elizabeth refused to marry Philip so causing him considerable embarrassment
What do you call English sailors who traded illegally with Spanish colonies and attacked Spanish treasure fleets?
Name two famous examples of these men
John Hawkins and Francis Drake
What examples are there of commercial rivalry between England and Spain
John Hawkins (English privateer) challenged the Spanish monopoly of the slave trade Hawkins, Drake and other privateers stole from Spanish ships. Key events were Nombre de Dios (1572) and Cacafuego (1579)
What did Elizabeth do in 1568 with the Spanish ships laden with gold that took refuge in English ports?
Seized the gold for herself – ‘Genoese Loan’ – arguing it was money from Italian bankers and not, therefore, Spanish gold.
When was the Genoese Loan?
How did Philip react to the seizure of the ‘Genoese Loan’?
Philip banned English trade with the Netherlands. This damaged England’s economy and forced merchants to look for new markets overseas.
How did Elizabeth support the Dutch rebellion against Spanish rule in 1581?
Offered limited financial help to the rebels but did not want to provoke Philip.
Why was Elizabeth initially reluctant to help the Dutch rebels in the Netherlands when they declared independence from Spain in 1581?
Reluctant to provoke Philip by getting directly involved
did offer limited financial help
What was the name of the Dutch rebel who was assassinated in 1584?
William of Orange
What was the name of the Treaty Elizabeth signed in 1585 which placed the Netherlands under her protection?
Treaty of Nonsuch.
When was the Treaty of Nonsuch signed
Why did Elizabeth sign the Treaty of Nonsuch?
Religious - ensure freedom of worship for Dutch Protestants
Military - if rebels defeated – Philip could use the Netherlands as a base for an invasion
Commercial - key ports for English trade
Strategic - if Dutch rebels defeated interests then Spain would control Channel and Atlantic coasts of Europe
How many troops did Elizabeth send to the Netherlands?
In 1585, England sent 7000 troops to the Netherlands.
Who led the English military expedition to the Netherlands?
Robert Dudley (also known as the Earl of Leicester)
Give two reasons why England was defeated in the Nederlands by the Spanish?
Leadership: Dudley was not a talented general and his officers were bitterly divided over strategy
Resources: English army was small and poorly equipped and funded compared with Spanish
Who was the Spanish general leading the campaign against the Dutch rebels / English?
Duke of Parma
What did Philip II do after Elizabeth signed the Treaty of Nonsuch?
Prepared invasion of England. He began plans to build an Armada
Which Spanish port did Francis Drake attack in 1587?
Why did Francis Drake attack the port of Cadiz in 1587?
To slow down Spanish preparations for the Armada by destroying or raiding naval supplies.
How many ships did Drake destroy in Cadiz?
30 ships
How else did Drake slow down Philip’s preparations for the Armada?
Drake sailed along coast destroying supplies being sent to Lisbon and seized valuable ship – San Filipe – which allowed Elizabeth to improve English defences with money captured
What was the impact of Drakes raid on Cadiz?
Destroyed planks of wood used to make barrels to carry food and water. Had to rely on poorer quality wood which did not preserve food or water well
Expensive – strained Spain’s finances
Delayed Armada fora year allowing England more time to prepare
What was the nickname given to Drakes raid on Cadiz?
‘Singeing the King of Spain’s beard’
When did the Armada depart?
May 1588
Who led the Armada?
Duke of Medina Sidonia
– little military or naval experience.
Who led the English fleet?
Lord Howard, Sir Francis Drake
– experienced seamen.
Why was the Armada unable to join forces with Spanish troops waiting in the Netherlands?
Poor communication and the troops in the Netherlands were slowed down by Dutch ships blockading them.
What did the English do to cause panic among the Spanish and lead them to cut their anchors?
Sent fireships towards the Spanish fleet while they were anchored at Calais
What role did the wind play in the defeat of the Spanish Armada?
The wind changed direction and blew the Armada in to the North sea making it impossible to meet up with Parma. This was called the “Protestant wind”