RITE Images 2006 Flashcards

Angiosarcoma – obstructing straight sinus à increased ICP


Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration – atrophic cerebellar vermis & loss of Purkinje & Granule cell neurons

Cavernous angioma – T2 images – dark rim b/c of hemosiderin deposition from repeated bleeding

No flow in basilar artery

L hyperdense MCA sign – occlusion of vessel; early sign of acute stroke

Putaminal hemorrhage 2ndary to HTN
Pt complains of back pain

Tethered cord syndrome;
-thickened filum terminale,
-widening of spinal canal
-Posterior cord lipoma
-Low lying spinal cord

CNS fistula communicating the SAS w/ the pleural cavity
Pick section C?

Cholesteatoma – an epidermoid tumor
T1 shows the tumor entering the internal auditory canal & altering normal structure of petrous bone
- Does NOT enhance w/ GAD; what enhances w/ GAD? Meningioma schwanomma, chordoma*
- Acoustic neurinomas are usually infratentorial*
- Astrocytoma DOES NOT enhance w/ GAD*


Subcortical hemorrhage – the most common cause of this is trauma in young person

Persistent trigeminal artery supplying the L posterior circulation; no L PCA b/c of this

Embolic infarction – cortical & subcortical lesions; L SMG

What clinical feature would you expect to see in a patient with this abnormality?

Lesion to caudate ->chorea

LMCA ischemic lesion/infarct 2ndary to occlusion;

Neurofibromatosis - has focal areas of signal intensity (FASI)

Tolosa Hunt Syndrome – painful opthalmoplegia, abnormalities in cavernous sinus

Lobar atrophy or Pick’s disease
What syndrome would this patient have?

Locked in syndrome – poor prognosis for recovery sufficient to be weaned from mechanical ventilation

14-6 positive spikes – sharply contoured in posterior head during light sleep
Best seen on referential montage & most common in adolescent patients


Removal of SDH

PLEDS in L temporal area – think about HSV encephalitis -> acyclovir

Hippocampal atrophy

Occlusion to atheroclerosis @ proximal ICA

Anterior temporal spikes on EEG + fever + focal seizures -> cerebral abscesses

Hereditary neuropathy w/ liability to pressure palsies – sausage-like change in myelin in teased nerve preparation -> tomaculous neuropathy;
Deletion of PMP22 gene


Cerebral atrophy is most closely associated w/ PROGRESSION of disability in MS
GAD enhancing plaques – most important factor for dx MS

Focal polymorphic delta activity – suggestive of underlying structural lesion

Arachnoid cyst – respects the cortex

Patient has repeated aphasic episodes

Perisylvian AVM -> causes the pt’s repeated aphasic episodes

Symmetrical dilatation of ventricular system & sylvian fissure w/o excessive sulcal widening or hippocampal atrophy

Cyst contiguous w/ 4th ventricle from surgial excision of cerebellar astrocytoma

PICA infarct – inferomedial portion of cerebellar hemisphere

Benign rolandic epilepsy -> observe w/o AED

Lipoma – (small lesion in infundibular region); T1 image w/ fat suppression

Hypoparathyroidism – symmetrical high density lesions are calcifications in the media of the small vessels in lenticular nuclei, thalami & centrum semiovale of frontal lobe

Chiari type I – cerebellar tonsils are descended below the foramen magnum

Substantia nigra – fxns to facilitate voluntary motor activity originating in the prefrontal 7 motor cortex ipsilateral to SN => damage to one SN -> hemiparkinsonism
Hemiparkinsonism is contralateral to the lesion

Open ring sign -> demyelinating lesions

Ring enhancing lesion osteomyelitis

Obstructive (noncommunicating) hydrocephalus – marked enlargement of lateral & 3rd ventricles; can be seen in aqueductal stenosis

Hydatid cysts of the spinal canal w/ involvement of the vertebral bodies in the region of the lesion

Epidermoid – tumor in prepontine cistern compressing root of trigeminal nerve -> pain,
does NOT enhance w/ GAD, “whorled appearance on FLAIR”

Ependymoma – tumor arises from spinal canal & molds the vertebral bodies; intramedullary
NOT chordoma -> would come from vertebral bodies esp sacrum & compress SC

Cysticercosis – multiple cystic lesions w/ high intensity/density dot = scolex of tenia solium;
intraventricular cysts block the CSF pathways -> hydrocephalus
Patient complaining of neck stiffness

Astrocytoma – intramedullary; pt complaining of neck stiffness b/c tumor eroding vertebral bodies

Subacute hemorrhage – pick hemorrhagic infarct (b/c of small size) [embolic occlusion of branch of ACA] > AVM

Panthothenate kinase associated neurodegeneration (PKAN) – progressive neurodegenerative disease w/ neuroaxonal dystrophy, rust brown discoloration of globus pallidus pars reticulata of substantia nigra
Accumulation of iron; onset <15
PANK2 gene

Normal scan of 4 month old child – Gray/white matter signal reversed during 1st year of life

Dolichoectasic vessels pushes brainstem away from IAC

Tuberous sclerosis –
subependymal nodules
white matter lesions following lines of neuronal migration, cyst like white matter lesions

Autosomal dominant SCA type 6 – pure cerebellar atrophy esp superior vermis

Conduction block on NCS diagnoses CIDP

Warfarin is RELATIVELY contraindicated in pts w/ prior lobar ICH

Lambert Eaton syndrome
Weakness in LES responds to 3’-4’ diamonopyridine – blocker of K channel on presynaptic membrane

Syringomyelia w/ cerebellar tonsil herniation -> chiari type I
Syringomyelia b/c of T2 hyperintensity in cord on T2

Tumor in pituitary fossa

Hypoperfusion of parietal lobe -> AD

Infarction; Pt w/ Horner’s ipsilateral to MCA or ACA territory infarction -> need to think about carotid dissection
If affect the PCA territory -> think about carotid dissection due to the possibility of a persistent trigeminal artery

Enlargement of temporal horns of lateral ventricles suggesting hippocampal atrophy - AD

Cavum vergae – developmental cavity of the roof of the 3rd ventricle

Pt treated w/ VP shunt for obstructive hydrocephalus

Trauma – high signal changes in L temporal & frontal regions
Inferior frontal gyrus in A & superior temporal gyrus in B – lesions of the crowns of gyri

C3 myelopathy – cord signal hyperintensity; sensory level
Upper cervical myelopathy - possibly caused by compression of ASA by osteophytes

Multiple sclerosis – periventricular plaque
Extrapontine myelinolysis – lesions @ cortical G/W matter junctions
Leukoaraiosis – ill defined white matter loss due to chronic vascular disease &