Risk Management & single pilot Resource management Flashcards
What is the definition of Risk?
Risk is defined as the probability of an accident or loss from exposure to various hazards including injury to people and loss of resources
What is Risk Management
It is the logical process of weighing the potential cost of risk against the possible benefits of allowing those risks to stand-alone uncontrolled
What is Total Risk
Is the sum of identified and unidentified risks
What is the definition of a hazard?
It is a present condition, event, object, or circumstance that could lead to or contribute to an unplanned or undesired event such as an accident. It is a source of danger.
What is meant by safety in regards to aviation?
Safety is a relative term that implies a level of risk that is both perceived and accepted.
How is an inherent risk related to good decision-making practices?
Good decision-making choices can reduce or eliminate risk.
What can good decisions be determined by?
Good decisions can be based on direct or indirect experience and education.
What are the 3 steps for Risk management?
- Identify the risk
- Assess the risk - Likelihood & severity (consequence)
- Mitigate the risk
What is the purpose of the PAVE checklist?
It is used to identify risks for decision making
What is the PAVE check list
P - ilot in command
A - ircraft
V - environment
E - xternal pressures
Explain P - Pilot in command in regards to the PAVE checklist.
PIC - am I competent, fit, authorised - legally,
Explain A in regards to the PAVE checklist.
Aircraft - Valid MR & serviceable for the job, within W & B limits, Fuel sufficient, familiar with aircraft
Explain V in regards to the PAVE checklist
- Wx conditions - Cloud, Icing, Wind, Turbulence, Remote Op’s requirements,
- Airspace requirements
Explain E in regards to PAVE checklist
E - External pressures
Describe the acronym IMSAFE
I - Illness, Do I have any symptoms M - Medication, Have I been taking any S - Stress - Am I stressed A - Alcohol F - Fatigue, Am I fatigued E - Emotional, Am I feeling emotional