Risk Definitions Flashcards
According to the FFIEC, what are the six types of risk in a bank?
What risk type deals with mission and future plans for entering new business lines, expanding (mergers/acquisitions), and enhancing infrastructure?
Strategic Risk
What risk type arises when I party will not settle an obligation for full value?
Credit Risk
What risk type occurs when negative publicity, regarding an institution business, practice leads to a loss of revenue or litigation?
Reputation Risk
What is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people, and systems, are external events?
Operational Risk
Arises from failure to comply with statutory or regulatory obligations, existing consumer protection statues, regulations, and case law governing retail payment transactions?
Legal/compliance Risk
Current and potential risk to earnings or capital arising from a financial institutions inability to meet its obligations when they come due without incurring unacceptable losses?
Liquidity Risk