Risk & asset allocation Flashcards
Clients often misunderstand investment risk. What asset class often has the greatest shortfall risk, and why?
- cash
- because of inflation risk
Name 3 things that might be helpful in assessing a client’s ATR?
- the asset allocation of their existing investments.
- their capacity for loss
- the timescale of their investment
What do computer-based psychometric risk profiling tool make no attempt to assess?
The client’s capacity for loss (their ability to sustain a less favourable outcome without derailing their objectives).
Name 2 factors that affect capacity for loss.
- the timescale of the investment (time to recover from a fall in the markets?)
- the client’s total wealth (are they able to ride out a market fall using other assets and thus avoid an immediate impact on their standard of living?).
What will a client’s investment risk profile ideally be?
The lower of :
- their ATR as measured by the computer-based psychometric risk profiling tool
- and their capacity for loss.
If a client’s existing assets are not sufficient to enable them to ride out a fall in the market, what might be advised?
To adopt a lower risk profile than might have been indicated by the risk profiling tool.
How does stochastic modelling (aka Monte Carlo simulation) is what?
In essence, it uses mathematical techniques to forecast future portfolio returns and volatility.
It focuses on the probabilities of events happening by forecasting a range of possible outcomes from a range of portfolios with different asset class mixes.
What is a major drawback of stochastic modelling?
The assumptions made are not transparent and are not shared with the client.
Because of this, a stochastic model may seem to imply a greater degree of certainty than is warranted.
Computer-based psychometric risk profiling can be used to determine a client’s what?
Stochastic modelling shows the impact of what on possible returns?
Asset allocation
Name 4 things to be established to calculate an estimated FV of pension funds (TV of money).
- PV of funds
- total amount of regular cont.s
- term to retirement
- assumed rate of growth