Rise of the Nazis Flashcards
What major event happened in 1929?
The Wall Street Crash
How did the WSC affect Germany at the time?
It brought an end to their Golden Twenties, as much of their economy relied on American investors who demanded that Germany paid back all of their loans immediately.
It created an economic depression
How did the Weimar government try to raise money?
They increased taxes
They made cuts in unemployments benefits (6 million people were unemployed)
They cut wages of government workers or in some cases made them redundant
They refused to print more money in fear of a repeat of hyperinflation in 1923
How did the WSC affect German businesses?
They had to pay back loans
They received no more investment from the USA
They had to pay increased taxes
How did the WSC affect German people?
Many of them were left without jobs due to businesses and the government not being able to afford their wages
Most of the unemployed were workers or farm labourers
Young people were badly affected by job losses
Families suffered terrible poverty with no jobs and low benefits
6 million unemployed, wages 70% less than 1928, homelessness increase and people became violent
How did Hitler and the Nazis use the WSC and the depression to his advantage through their policies?
Hitler was a radical solution for an extreme situation, and seen by many people as the only other option to communism.
He promised to protect the interest of big business so gained backing from them
He appealed to young people by promising them jobs and blaming the Treaty of Versailles
He appealed to the middle class by appearing as the opposition to communism
He appealed to the working class by promising work and food
He promised rural communities that he would protect their land from being seized by communists
How did Hitler make himself an appealing figure?
He was a strong leader
His image appeared on most public material
He travelled the country giving speeches and talking on the radio
He was an enigmatic speaker
The party adopted modern technology
If all else failed he had the intimidation tactics of the SA on his side
How did extremism rise?
Economic problems led to unemployment across the nation. This then led to dissatisfaction with the weak Weimar government and this increased membership of extreme left and right wing parties
What was the depression?
It was a circumstance in which Germany had a horrible economy due to the Wall Street Crash. Germany had heavily relied on American loans to rebuild their economy, and the WSC meant all these investors wnated their money back. This led to an increase in taxes from the government, and businesses collapsing. This meant that the people either lost their jobs and weren’t given good benefits, or they had to pay a large amount of their income in taxes. What ensued was a terrible poverty for many people in the country.
What are specific examples that highlight the poverty in Germany at the time?
By January 1933, 6 million people were unemployed
People had their entire savings wiped out because of banks collapsing
Wages fell to 70% less than they had been in 1928
Homelessness increased and people became more violent
How did the Weimar government make things worse in Depression?
They introduced higher taxes to pay for unemployment benefits
They set fixed time limits on unemployment benefits
This meant that they were becoming very unpopular and people were beginning to look towards extreme solutions
How did voting increase for the Nazis over time?
May 1928: 12 seats Sep 1930: 107 seats July 1932: 230 seats Nov 1932: 196 seats March 1933: 288 seats
What role did Mein Kampf have in the popularity of the Nazis?
It signified the beginning of Nazi party becoming more organised and more respectable and electable
It made the ideas that defined the Nazi party clear and more appealing to a wider audience in an attempt to win the support of the masses
It was extremely popular (bestseller) and helped push forward the party
It expressed that the German Race would rule the world, that Jews were the enemy and other fascist views
What were things Hitler did to widen support and organise the Nazis?
He set up a Nazi HQ in Munich and had Franz Schwarz become the treasurer
He set up Youth groups and a women’s organisation which helped them look less violent
The party was set up across the nation with regional leaders (Goebbels became the leader in Berlin)
Hitler began to appeal to big business who supported his vision which secured large donations
Goebbels was appointed head of propaganda which hugely helped increase popularity
What was the importance of the Bamberg conference?
Hitler made the party much more nationalistic rather than socialist
He ended the north and south divide in the party, as northern members were more socialist
It led to the rise of Goebbels through the ranks in the party
It was a turning point in making the party more respectable and organised
By the end of conference Hitler had a lot more power within the party
How did the Depression lead to increased extremist support?
Economic problems ->
Unemployment ->
Dissatisfaction with a weak Weimar government ->
Increased membership if extreme left and right wing parties