Rise Of Nationalism In Europe Flashcards
What are events?
Moments that get attention because they are so special.
What is republic?
A country in which people participate in decision making via representatives.
What is a pact?
A promise or agreement between two or more countries.
What are social classes?
Different groups in society on the basis of possessions ,profession,money,etc.
What is homage?
A big thankyou or tribute showing appreciation and respect towards someone.
What does it mean to personify?
Giving person like qualities to something.
What is enlightenment?
The moment when we suddenly understand something important.
What is a charter?
Set of rules for a team.
What are principalities?
Small kingdom with their own rulers.
Who are angels?
Invisible creatures who help others and spread positivity.
What does sweeping mean?
Making big and important improvements which are far-reaching.
What is a centralised power?
A group or an individual who makes all important decisions for a country from one place called centre.
What is the meaning of culmination?
End result of a lot of hard work.
What are endeavours?
Exciting challenges…
What is heroic?
Full of courage and bravery,and morality…
What does glory mean?
Appreciation and respect received as a result of doing something good.
What does social capital mean?
Collective achievements of the people of a nation.
What does solidarity mean?
Helping each other in need.
What is meant by full fledged territorial state?
A defined territory with its own government and rules.
What is despotism?
When a particular person or a group has a lot of power which they use to supress people and treat them unfairly.
What it means to storm?
Forcefully and speedily enter a place.
What is Bastion?
A strong and protected fort…
What was congress of vienna?
Big meeting among leaders of different countries.
What does harbinger mean?
Early sign or message that tell something is about to happen…
What is hostility?
When people or groups oppose each other.
What was Rhineland?
Region in western Germany situated along the bank of river Rhine.
What were duchies and cantons?
Duchies are small kingdom within a country,ruled by a duke.
Cantons are semi-autonomous territories within Switzerland.
What does autocratic mean?
A system in which only one person has all the power.
What are ethnic groups?
Social groups based on shared culture,language,or history.
What is a patchwork?
A quilt made of different pieces sewn together.
What does allegiance mean?
Loyalty and devotion towards a person.
What does it mean to gather force?
Bring support for a cause,or action.
Who were slavs?
Group of people in eastern Europe having similar practices,language and who eventually became part of different nations.
What it means to cut across regional divisions?
Go beyond different areas.
What is diplomacy?
Art of dealing with people in a skillful way.
What does inviolability mean?
Something should not be harmed.
What is a political experiment?
A new way of doing things in society and government.
What is a free market?
A free market is a place where producers decide what to produce and what should be the price is decided by demand and supply without any interference by government.
Which is a unified economic territory?
Many places join togather to do trade with same rules,weights and measures,and currency…
What does engender mean?
To cause something.
What does it mean to strengthen a nation materially?
Setting Industries,Building Infrastructure,and Increasing country’s wealth by economic growth and development.
What it means to protect a nation’s interest externally?
Making sure that a nation is safe(not fighting) and happy(developing).
What is Bureaucracy?
A system in which government is divided into different departments having rules and procedures.
What is a dynamic economy?
An economy in which businesses are doing innovations and adapting existing technology to make better products…everything is changing and not still…
Who are delegates?
People who represent a group.
What does Deposed mean?
To remove someone from power.
What does piedmont mean?
Northern part of Italy…
What are western frontiers?
Border on the western edge of a country…
What is dissent?
A disagreement with a prevailing view.