Rise Of Facism Flashcards
After world war 1 who did Italy’s government depend on to stop crime
voluntary military groups tied to the fascist party to help keep order
What was the First Nation to become fascist?
Who was Benito Mussolini?
was the leader of Italy’s fascist party
What did Benito Mussolini want for Italy?
He wanted to redeem Italy from its post war humiliation and restore it to the glory of the Roman Empire
What did Benito Mussolini do in 1922
Mussolini and his troops marched on Rome, seizing power
Who was the second nation to become fascist?
Who was the leader of the Germany party?
Adolf hitler
How did the nazi party gain power?
gained popularity by stirring up resentment toward the Weimar Republic and other groups
What did the nazis blame the Weimar Republic for?
for betraying Germany by signing the treaty of Versailles
Who else did the Nazis blame
Weimar Government, communist, Jews, ect. For problems that humiliated and weakend Germany
What did the Nazi party vow to do?
Vowed to avenge German humiliation and rebuild Germany into a great empire
Who did hitler admire greatly?
Benito Mussolini
What did hitler attempt to do when he tried to copy Mussolini?
Attempted to copy the march on to march on Rome with his own march on Munich in 1923.
Did hitters march on Munich succeed or fail?
What happened in 1933 to hitler after he was realeses from jail?
Hitler eventually gained such an influence that he was appointed chancellor in 1933. From this post, he quickly moved to gain absolute power in Germany
Who was the third nation to become fascist? (How)
Spain, after a civil war
Who led fascist Spain?
Francisco Franco
Did Spain fight in WW1?
Though aided by Germany and Italy during the civil war, Spain remained neutral during world war 1