RIPH Flashcards
What is the turning point of Philippine nationalism
Execution of Gomburza
When is the Cry of Pugad Lawin
August 23, 1896
Filipino middle class is known as
Pure breed Spaniards born in Spain are ____ while pure breed spaniards born in the Philippines are ____,
- Peninsulares
- Insulares
Most liberated Governor General
Carlos Maria Dela Torre
Permitted the execution of Gomburza
Rafael Izquerdo
Aims to transfer the administration of churches in the Philippines to Filipino priest
Secularization Movement
spearheaded the secularization movement in the philippines
father pedro pelaez
reported the existence of katipunan to the spanish authority
mariano gil
highest position in spanish government are usually reserved to
natives of lands colonized by spain are called
is the term used to describe servitude of a man pushing to marry a girl and during pre-colonial period
was task to carry out the decision of the military court to execute bonifacio brothers
lazaro macapagal
was the second president of katipunan
ramon basa
Was the first president of katipunan
deodato arellano dela cruz
the kkk is composed of these structures
kataas-taasang sanggunian
sangguniang bayan
sangguniang balangay
sangguniang panghukuman
he led the secularization movement after pedro pelaez
jose burgos
implicated and stand witness against gomburza in the cavite mutiny
francisco zaldua
aims to primarily understand the native and more of a missionary mission
writing history during spanish
the first order to preach in the philippines are
are the most experienced missionaries and sufficiently understand the early life and culture in the philippines
helps us understand the 19th century philippines
recorded earlier cultures and the orders work in china and japan
advocated the use of filipino in historical discourse
zeus salazar
is the filipino point of view in writing history mga salaysay na may saysay sa isang grupo ng tao
pantayong pananaw
can be written or unwritten that provides direct or first hand evidence about an event object or person
primary sources
is any account of something that is not primary source
secondary source
is the analysis of the content of the document
internal criticism
is the analysis of form of the document
external criticism
venue of the first mass
is confused for limasawa as the venue of the first
is the writing and interpretation of history
asserts that history should be based on verifiable data and examine the under scrutiny
quotes that study of history should not be limited to written documents hstorical evidence that can be sourced out of non-traditional sources such as oral history archeology anthropology
new historicism
is the proponent of Annales school of history
Fernand Braudel
suggest that history is a struggle of power between social classes
karl marx
believes that history is based on perspective
michael foucault
emphasizes the use and abuse of history
friedrich nietzche
advocated that history is a linear
wilhelm hegel
exposed katipunan as a secret society in spanish authorities in the philippines
pedro patino
the first person to circumnavigate the globe
juan sebastian elcano
historical narratives are affected by
time it was written
biases and intention of the writer nearness of the event
describe the colonial economy after the opening of manila for international trade
estados de las islas filipinas in 1810 by thomas de comyn
was given by the man to the wet nurse of the girl he wishes to marry
bigay suso
were written by spanish officials foreign residents and writers and the filipino ilustrados
secular spanish period history
pave the way to free flow of liberal ideas consumed by the ilustrados
opening of the philippines to international trade
basic reform to writings arts and other activities during spanish period
filipino historians
what do you do lies by the kkk with membership fee from 300 to 30,000 pesos
the triangular method of recruitment
the aim of katipunan is
developed sense of self help and defense of the oppressed
is relatively easier to write but extremely bias towards filipinos
historiography during American period
historiography during third republic is dominated by _____ with maxim no document no history
was heavily influenced by cold war history of the colonists in the philippines
historiography during third republic
revitalizes the writing of history highlighting the revolution of 1896 challenges the positivist approach in writing history
Theodoro Agoncilio
leader of an pacified areas in philippines during spanish era
focuses on history from below believed that masses are the primary mover of history
renato constantino
became authorities’ in pre-colonial philippines use archaeological and anthropological evidences to reconstruct indigenous history
William Henry Scott
F.Landa Jocano
Henry Otley Beyer
wrote passionate revolution after new interpretation of the passion as used by filipinos as inspiration against the colonizers
Reynaldo Ileto
is a historical source of special nature
is a first-hand recollections of the people interviewed by the historians
is the narratives and description of people and events in the past which have been down handed down by word of mouth over several years and written sources couch in a form suitable for oral transmission
oral history
raw material of social memory
oral history
break into two factions after rizal banishment to dapitan katipunan and cuerpo de compromisarios
la liga filipina
requires critical evaluation and that it must be deployed in conjunction with all other available resources
interpretation of oral history
is needed to process oral history
transcription of testimonies
seek to understand history in a larger scale through longer period of time
anales school of history
integrate space and time in the study and understanding of history
ferdinand braudel
is a mixture is of filipino spanish or chinese spanish
when and where first election in the philippines happened
March 22 1897 in Cavite
what staged by workers of the cavite arsenal because of their dissatisfaction in removing their privileges or exemption from rendering the polo y servicios
Cavite Mutiny
when spain successfully colonized philippines
is a falsification or distortion of historical record
historical negationism or denialism
reinterpretation of historical accounts it challenges existing published and accepted by presenting new evidences
historical revisionism
is a document declaring the election in the tejeros convention null and void
acta de tejeros
is the first law setting a process and a date for philippine independence
hare hawes cutting act
tydings-mcduffie law was lobbied by
manuel quezon
what pass to establish schools in the philippines
gabaldon act 1907
proposes the use of spanish surnames and adaptation of new calendar
narciso claveria
president of republic ng katagalugan
macario sakay
is a document publishing a government separate from the one stablish during the tejeros convention
naik military agreement
last general to surrender to americans
simeon ola
is the youngest general in the revolutionary army
manuel tinio
resources that are contemporaneous to the period under study
primary sources
resources that utilize primary source to provide an interpretation of the past
Secondary Sources
is a primary source about religion of the early Filipinos
Las Costumbres de los Tagalos en Filipinas
is a nonreligious account for early Philippines penned by Antonio de Morga
Sucesos de las Islas Pilipinas
Grants independence to the Philippines as soon as stable government can be etablished
Jones Law
is the leader of Magdiwang
Mariano Alvarez
Can be free if her master impregnated
Is the organ of propaganda
La Solidaridad
is the president of Magdalo
Baldomero Aguinaldo
Sets quota for Philippine export
Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act
Was patterned after the Jimaguayo constitution of Cuba
Biak na Bato Constitution
became the Brain of Katipunan and wrote the newspaper Kalayaan
Emilio Jacinto
is the collection of study or coins and currencies
was elected General in Chief in Tejeros Convention
Artemio Ricarte
For Karl Marx, history is a result of material condition of society. Concept which he incorporated the concept of ____
Historical materialism
Pre colonial government in the Philippines is ____
Provided that any Filipino advocating independence
Sedition law
Member of katipunan and the password is anakbayan